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Excel Shortcuts & Tips

Learn the many Excel keyboard shortcuts & tips that will make you faster in Excel.
We have the perfect combination of Excel tips, tricks and shortcuts that you can use to increase your productivity by tenfold. See our best Excel shortcuts below!

333 Excel Shortcuts

This is one of our biggest Excel shortcut keys compilation! Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool which has many Excel keyboard shortcuts to make you more efficient!
Instead of memorizing all of these useful Excel keyboard shortcuts, we have compiled an exhaustive list for you so you can apply to your Excel worksheet straight away.
Check out this free video tutorial to see all of the 333 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts in action! Alongside with the video is we have included a downloadable cheat sheet for you so that you can print out all of the Excel Shortcuts right on your desk!
333 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Remove Formulas in Excel

There are times when I have an Excel worksheet full of formulas and I want to hard code the results and remove the formulas completely. So that the values resulting from the Formulas become permanent even if you change the dependent cell values.
This is very easy to do in Excel with the Paste Special option!
Here is our sample worksheet which has the following formulas in Column E. You can see we have a Replace Formula that modifies the old phone numbers.
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STEP 1: Select all the cells that have formulas:
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STEP 2:Right click and select Copy:
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STEP 3: Right click again and select Paste Values:
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Now you will see that the values have now become permanent and the formulas are now gone! This shortcut sure beats having to type in the resulting values one by one!
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How to remove Formulas in Excel

Add Calculator to the Toolbar

There were times when I had to find my Calculator App while I was doing some quick calculations in Excel.
Did you know that you can have a Calculator right inside of Excel?
Excel has a lot of customizations and the Calculator application is just one of them!
You can literally place it on your Excel window, and it is very easy and handy to open whenever you need it:
STEP 1: Click the down arrow on the Excel Toolbar.  Go to More Commands.
STEP 2: Select Commands Not in the Ribbon.
STEP 3: Scroll down and select Calculator.  Click Add. 
This will add the Calculator option to the Excel Quick Access Toolbar.
You could also explore here that there are a lot of options that you could choose from. Feel free to explore them to add to the Quick Access Toolbar!
STEP 4: Click OK.
STEP 5: Your Calculator icon is now ready. Give it a try and enjoy this Excel shortcut!

Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar

Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces

Leading spaces at the start of the text and Trailing spaces at the end of the text usually get in the way when we want to perform operations in Excel.
Imagine trying to compare text, and they look identical however these spaces get in the way of getting the right comparison result.
This is our Excel shortcut tip for you to deal with those annoying spaces in a flash!
For example using the TRIM formula:
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The spaces get removed with no issues:
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However if we have non-breaking spaces, the TRIM formula will not remove these spaces:
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The leading space is still there! What gives?
What are non-breaking spaces you ask?
Sometimes data downloaded as text uses non-breaking spaces for formatting purposes. For example, it prevents an automatic line break in between these spaces.
You could see this as being represented by CHAR(160):
Excel Shortcuts |

Let us see how we can handle this with Excel formulas!

STEP 1: We will use the SUBSTITUTE Formula to remove the non-breaking spaces depicted by CHAR(160)
The goal is to replace the non-breaking spaces with normal spaces.

=SUBSTITUTE(C9, CHAR(160), ” “)

leading spaces
STEP 2: Now that we do not have the non-breaking spaces anymore, let us use the TRIM Formula! Talk about having the best of both worlds!


leading spaces
Now all of your leading and trailing spaces are cleaned up!
leading spaces
Here are more videos where you can check out our top Excel Shortcuts!

Top 10 Tutorials

  1. 333 Excel Shortcuts for Windows and Mac– We have created a FREE downloadable PDF cheat sheet and a full searchable list of the 333 Excel Shortcuts for both in Windows and Mac for you! Download it, print it and post it to your wall so that you can get a quick reminder of the best Excel keyboard shortcuts out there.Read more
  2. The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks– We have rounded up 18 of the best Microsoft Excel experts & MVPs from around the world to share their best Microsoft Excel tips & tricks in 2019!Read more
  3. How to Remove Formulas in Excel– There are times when I have an Excel worksheet full of formulas and I want to hard code the results and remove the formulas completely. This is very easy to do in Excel!Read more
  4. Add the Calculator to the Excel Toolbar– There were times when I had to find my Calculator App while I was doing some quick calculations in Excel. Instead of scrambling for the Calculator Application, you can actually have this inside of Excel!Read more
  5. How to Use Windings Symbols in Excel– I will show you how easy it is to pick a cool Wingdings Symbol and use it in your Excel worksheet!Read more
  6. How to Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces in Excel– Leading spaces (at the start of the text) and Trailing spaces (at the end of the text) usually get in the way when we want to perform operations in Excel. Whether it leading or trailing spaces, we already have a couple ways how to clean them in Excel.Read more
  7. How to Group Worksheets in Excel– Ever had a time when you needed to modify data across multiple worksheets? It is very easy to do this using the Group Worksheets feature in Excel!Read more
  8. Top 10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks– There are a lot of times when the mouse beats the keyboard in terms of efficiency in Excel. Here are Top 10 Excel Double Click Mouse Tricks for Excel Power Users like you!Read more
  9. Evaluate Formulas Step By Step in Excel– This is one of the coolest tricks I have seen in Excel, as there are countless times wherein I had a hard time understand formulas. Especially long and complex ones!Read more
  10. CTRL + SHIFT + ARROWS: Move/Highlight Cells– If you want to quickly move to the last cell of your table/data you can press CTRL + ? ?. If you want to quickly highlight up to the last cell of your table/data you can press CTRL + SHIFT + ? ?.Read more

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