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Excel Cycle Charts

Cycle Charts in Excel are easy to create using the Smart Art feature. There are several cycle... read more

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John Michaloudis
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Excel Cycle Charts | MyExcelOnline

Cycle Charts in Excel are easy to create using the Smart Art feature.

There are several cycle process charts to choose from, some have arrows, like the Basic Cycle, and others show the relationship to a central idea, like the Radial Cycle.

Here is how you insert a Radial Cycle:

Excel Cycle Charts
Excel Cycle Chart

STEP 1: Click on Insert > Smart Art > Cycle > Radial Cycle

STEP 2: Enter the cycle title by clicking on a shape

STEP 3: To enter a new cycle, you need to click on a shape and select SmartArt Tools > Design > Add Shape (You can also right click on the shape and choose this option)

STEP 4: To move the cycle upwards or downwards, you need to click on a shape and select SmartArt Tools > Design > Move Up or Move Down

STEP 5: To change the cycle from right to left, you need to click on a shape and select SmartArt Tools > Design > Right to Left

STEP 6: To change the color of the cycle, you need to click on a shape and select SmartArt Tools > Design > Change Colors

STEP 7: Under SmartArt Tools > Design > SmartArt Styles drop down you can change the style of your cycle

See also  Excel Chart Layouts

Watch the tutorial below to see how easy a Cycle Chart is created in Excel:

Excel Cycle Charts | MyExcelOnline
Download workbookCycle-Chart.xlsx


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Excel Cycle Charts | MyExcelOnline

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