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BETWEEN Formula in Excel

There is no explicit Between formula in Excel, however, we can come up with creative ways to create this functionality.
Our goal is to evaluate if a given value is between a range, for example, is 6 between 1 and 10?

Key Takeaways

  • Excel lacks a built-in “Between” formula, but users can mimic this functionality by combining other functions such as MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, and AND. This creative approach can check if a number, date, or text falls within a specified range.
  • You can use this to check for a range of numbers or even dates.

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Between formula in Excel for Numbers

OPTION 1:Using a combination of MIN, MAX & AND function

In the example below, you have the start of the range in Column A, end of the range in Column B and the value to be evaluated in Column C.

You need to check whether the number entered in Column C is in between the numbers in Column A & Column B using a creatively formulated BETWEEN formula in Excel.

BETWEEN Formula in Excel

The function that can be used to determine if the value in cell D7 is in-between values in cell A7 & B7 is

=IF(AND(C7>=MIN(A7,B7),C7<=MAX(A7,B7)), “Yes”, “No”)

Let’s break this formula into parts to understand it better:

  • C7 >= MIN(A7, B7) –  This expression checks whether the value in cell C7 is greater than (or equal to) the smaller of the two numbers in cell A7 and B7.
  • C7 <= MAX(A7, B7) –  This expression checks whether the value in cell C7 is smaller than (or equal to) the larger of the two numbers in cell A7 and B7.
  • AND( C7 >= MIN(A7, B7), C7 <= MAX(A7, B7)) – AND function simply checks whether the above two conditions are met or not i.e. whether the value in cell C7 is greater than (or equal to) the smaller number and less than (or equal to) the larger number.

BETWEEN Formula in Excel

OPTION 2:Using a MEDIAN function

You can use a simpler version of this complicated function by creatively using the Median formula:

BETWEEN Formula in Excel

=IF(C7=MEDIAN(A7:C7), “Yes”, “No”)

In our first example above, the range is 20-60, upon checking the value 50, it is in between this range.

The median formula will return the value in the middle of these 3 values when arranged in increasing order: 20, 50, 60. The median value is 50.

Since it matches the value we are evaluating, then the answer we get is a Yes, this value (50) is in between the range.

Now that you have learned how to use Excel if between two numbers, let’s move forward to dates and text.

Between formula in Excel for Dates

Irrespective of how you format a cell to display a date, Excel always stores it as a number. The number stored for each date actually represents the number of days since 0-Jan-1990.

1st Jan 1990 is stored as 1 (representing 1 day since 0-Jan-1990) and 23rd June 2020 is stored as 44,005 (representing 44005 days since 0-Jan-1990).

So, to check whether a date is in between two mentioned dateswe have the same application as the median formula.

Below is an example of how to use the median function to check dates.

BETWEEN Formula in Excel

=IF(C10=MEDIAN(A10:C10), “Yes”, “No”)

In our first example above, the range is May 1 – July 1, upon checking the date June 1, it is in between this range.

The median formula will return the value in the middle of these 3 dates when arranged in increasing order: May 1, June 1, July 1. The median value is June 1.

Since it matches the value we are evaluating, then the answer we get is a Yes, this value (June 1) is in between the range.

Between formula in Excel for Text

For text, we are checking if the value is alphabetically in the middle. We will be using the and formula:

BETWEEN Formula in Excel

=IF(AND(C12>=A12, C12<=B12, “Yes”, “No”)

Interestingly enough, you can compare texts using the >= and <= operators.  Excel is able to compare them which goes alphabetically first or last.

In our first example above, the range is Cat – Dog, upon checking the text Cow, it is in between this range. As when arranged alphabetically, it would be: Cat, Cow, Dog.

The And formula checks if Cow >= Cat, and Cow <= Dog. You will see that both of these are true, as Cow is alphabetically later than Cat, while Cow is alphabetically ahead of Dog. Which is why we get a Yes result.

Practical Applications of the Between Formula

Sales Data Analysis: Identifying Values Within a Range

Applying the Between Formula in sales data analysis ensures that you can quickly identify transactions or figures that fall within a particular threshold. This comes in handy, especially when you’re trying to segment sales by different categories like regions, product types, or customer demographics. Imagine wanting to pinpoint all sales between $2,000 and $5,000 over the quarter—this formula can efficiently produce that subset for further analysis.

Time-Sensitive Data: Working with Date Ranges

When dealing with time-sensitive data, using date ranges can transform how you manage and interpret information over specific periods. Whether you’re tracking project deadlines, analyzing seasonal trends, or planning inventory stock based on historical data, the Between Formula ensures you’re working with the exact timeframe you need. For instance, if you’re looking to assess marketing campaign performance during the holiday season, this formula helps you effortlessly isolate that data for a focused evaluation.

Advanced Tips for Using Excel’s Between Formula

Inclusive vs. Exclusive Boundaries: How to Include Edge Values

Understanding the difference between inclusive and exclusive boundaries is crucial when working with the Between Formula. Inclusive boundaries mean that the edge values are considered part of the range, while exclusive boundaries exclude these values. To include edge values in your calculations effectively, adjust your logical operators accordingly. For example, to ensure a value is counted when it’s exactly equal to either boundary of your range, you can use the AND function with greater than or equal to (>=) and less than or equal to (<=) comparisons.

Handling Errors and Exceptions with Grace

Navigating through errors and exceptions with finesse ensures that your Excel sheets remain functional and insightful. For the times when a value doesn’t fall clearly within the set range or when unexpected text strings appear in numerical fields, it’s important to fortify your Between Formulas with error handling functions like IFERROR or ISERROR. This proactivity helps maintain the integrity of your data analysis by either correcting or flagging irregularities, allowing you to address them without disrupting the workflow.

BETWEEN Formula in Excel | MyExcelOnline

Final Thoughts on Excel IF Between Two Numbers

Optimizing Data Analysis with Precision and Accuracy

The Between Formula amplifies your ability to conduct precise and accurate data analysis. By defining exact parameters, you ensure that only relevant data points are scrutinized, which leads to more accurate insights and conclusions. This precision eliminates noise in your datasets, helping to highlight trends and anomalies that might otherwise be lost. When your analysis is both precise and accurate, the value of your findings increases, serving as a robust foundation for informed decision-making.

How Between Formula Enhances Decision Making in Excel

The Between Formula is a powerhouse for decision-making as it equips you with the capability to filter and analyze data that meets specific conditions. This targeted approach allows for more nuanced and sophisticated insights into business performance, financial health, or any other metric you are examining. By narrowing down data to a specific range, you can base decisions on solid, relevant facts, making your action steps more informed and effective. It’s not just about sifting through data; it’s about spotlighting the information that truly matters.

Frequently Asked Questions on Excel IF Between Two Numbers

Can I use the IF function for a range of values beyond numbers?

Yes, you can use the IF function to evaluate a range of values beyond just numbers, including dates and text. For instance, you might assess whether a project milestone falls within a quarterly timeframe or check if a text entry is within a specific alphabetical range. Remember to ensure that your logical tests are set up appropriately for the data type you’re working with for accurate results.

How do I include boundary values in my Between Formula calculations?

To include boundary values in your Between Formula calculations, you’ll need to adjust your logical tests to be inclusive using the greater than or equal to (>=) and less than or equal to (<=) operators. This way, your formula covers the entire range, including the lower and upper limits. It ensures that values matching the boundary conditions are considered within your specified range.

BETWEEN Formula in Excel

What are some common errors when using the Between Formula and how can I avoid them?

Common errors include incorrect cell references, mismatched data types, and misplaced parentheses. Avoid these by double-checking cell ranges, ensuring data is formatted correctly, and reviewing your formula for proper use of parentheses. Additionally, utilize Excel’s error-checking features and watch out for error values like ‘DIV/0!’ and ‘VALUE!’, indicating division by zero or incorrect value types, respectively.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to use Between formula in Excel even when there is no explicit formula available to do this. You can use a combination of various other available function to create Excel if between range functionality.

You can use MIN, MAX, MEDIAN & AND functions to create a creative Between function in Excel for numbers, dates and text.

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BETWEEN Formula in Excel | MyExcelOnline


Bryan Hong is an IT Software Developer for more than 10 years and has the following certifications: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Applications, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA).

He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and a teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office at the MyExecelOnline Academy Online Course.

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