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Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Excel Sunburst Charts are one of the many new Charts available only in Excel 2016.
They are very visual as it can easily show you hierarchical data, like having a table with different levels of categorization.

Excel Sunburst Charts are one of the many new Charts available only in Excel 2016. They are very visual as it can easily show you hierarchical data, like having a table with different levels of categorization.

Key Takeaways

  • Visualize Hierarchical Data – A Sunburst Chart is ideal for displaying hierarchical data in a circular format, helping users understand relationships between different levels.

  • Automatic Grouping – Excel 2016 automatically groups and organizes data into hierarchical layers based on category and subcategory structure.

  • Easy to Insert – You can create a Sunburst Chart by selecting your data, going to Insert > Hierarchy Chart > Sunburst, and Excel will generate the visualization instantly.

  • Dynamic Updates – The chart updates automatically when the underlying data changes, making it useful for real-time reporting and analysis.

  • Customization Options – You can modify colors, labels, and segment sizes using the Chart Tools menu to enhance readability and presentation.

What is an Excel Sunburst Chart?

Excel Sunburst Chart is a built-in chart available in Excel 2016 that is used to display a hierarchical structure data in circular form.

Just like a doughnut chart, Sunburst Chart is also used to display a part of the whole data and compare relative sizes. But it can also show the relationships in the hierarchy.

This is how an Excel Sunburst Chart looks like:

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Since this chart looks somewhat like an exploding sun, it is called a Sunburst Chart.

Each level of the hierarchy is represented by a circle or ring with the innermost ring representing the top of hierarchy data and the outermost ring represents the last hierarchy.

Each group is represented by a different color and the subgroups are represented by a division. In the example above, January is represented by blue color and the subgroups like week and region are represented by different divisions.


How to Create a Sunburst Chart in Excel 2016?

Example 1:

In the table, you have sales data containing the month, week, region, and sales amount.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Using this table, I show you how easy it is to insert an Excel Sunburst Chart using Excel 2016.

To upgrade to Excel 2016 you can use this link here: Microsoft Office 2016

STEP 1: Highlight your table and go to Insert > Recommended Charts

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016


STEP 2: Select All Charts > Sunburst > OK

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016


STEP 3: Now you have your Sunburst Chart.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016


STEP 4: You can further customize the look and feel of your Sunburst Chart, by going to Chart Tools > Design / Format

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016


STEP 5: In our example, let us go to Chart Tools > Design and pick one of the alternate designs.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Now you have your beautiful looking Sunburst chart and you can quickly point out to your management where the biggest slice of the pie would be on…

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Let’s take a look at another example!

Example 2:

In the table below, you have the number of employees in a company based on the company organizational structure.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

STEP 1: Select the Data Table.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

STEP 2: Go to Insert > Hierarchy Chart > Sunburst Chart.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016


STEP 3: Your Sunburst Chart is ready!

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

In this chart, you can see the proportionate number of employees in each department and subdivision.

It is clear that the maximum number of employees is in the technical department and the least number is in the Management department.

You can even add Legends to your chart.

STEP 4: Go to Chart Design > Add Chart Element > Legend > Left.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

STEP 5: Legend to will added to the left of your Chart.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

By default, the category name will b displayed on the chart. You can even add value to it.

STEP 5: Go to Chart DesignAdd Chart Element > Data Labels > More Data Label Options.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

STEP 6: In the Format Data Labels dialog box, Check the Value box.

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Value will be displayed next to the category name:

Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016

Now that you have learned how to create a Sunburst Chart in Excel, let’s move forward and know about the advantages and disadvantages of using them.


Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of using an Excel Sunburst Chart:

  • It can be used to show relationships in the hierarchy.
  • It can be used to show the breakdown of different categories.

The disadvantages of using a Sunburst Chart Excel are:

  • It is hard to display labels on the Sunburst Chart.
  • Data must be sorted by category.
  • Not many options for formatting and customization.


Key Tips & Tricks

There are a few things you should keep in mind when you are working with Sunburst Charts

  • There should be at least two levels of hierarchy for Excel to create these charts.
  • Your data should not contain subtotal values as this will distort your chart.
    Excel only needs data at the lowest level of the hierarchy to create Sunburst Charts.
  • Do not sort the data based only on the lowest level of hierarchy.
    First, sort them based on the first level of the hierarchy and then the last level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Sunburst Chart in Excel?
A Sunburst Chart is a hierarchical data visualization tool that displays categories in a circular layout. It helps in understanding relationships between different levels of data.

How do I create a Sunburst Chart in Excel 2016?
To create a Sunburst Chart, select your hierarchical data, go to the Insert tab, click on Insert Hierarchy Chart, and choose Sunburst. Excel will generate the chart automatically.

What kind of data works best for a Sunburst Chart?
A Sunburst Chart is ideal for hierarchical data where multiple subcategories fall under a main category. Data should be structured with different levels for best visualization.

Can I customize the appearance of a Sunburst Chart?
Yes, you can customize colors, labels, and styles using the Chart Tools Format and Design tabs. Right-clicking on sections also provides options for further modifications.

What is the main difference between a Sunburst Chart and a Pie Chart?
A Pie Chart shows only one level of data distribution, while a Sunburst Chart displays multiple hierarchical levels, making it more useful for analyzing complex datasets.


In this article, we have discussed this new chart in Excel 2016 – Sunburst Chart, a step-by-step tutorial on how to create and format it and its advantages and disadvantages.

You can learn more about the new charts introduced in Excel 2016 by clicking here.

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Create an Excel Sunburst Chart With Excel 2016 | MyExcelOnline


Bryan Hong is an IT Software Developer for more than 10 years and has the following certifications: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Applications, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA).

He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and a teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office at the MyExecelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  Create a Pareto Chart With Excel 2016

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