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The Ultimate Guide to Error.Type Function in Excel

John Michaloudis
When working with Excel, errors are inevitable.
Whether it's a simple typo or a complex formula issue, encountering errors is a part of the process.

One of the most useful functions for diagnosing errors in Excel is the ERROR.TYPE function.

In this article, I will walk you through what this function does, how to use it, and how it can help in troubleshooting errors in your spreadsheets.

When working with Excel, errors are inevitable. Whether it’s a simple typo or a complex formula issue, encountering errors is a part of the process. One of the most useful functions for diagnosing errors in Excel is the ERROR.TYPE function. In this article, I will walk you through what this function does, how to use it, and how it can help in troubleshooting errors in your spreadsheets.

Key Takeaways:

  • The ERROR.TYPE function helps identify different error types in Excel by returning a corresponding number.
  • Understanding common errors like #DIV/0!, #REF!, and #VALUE! makes troubleshooting formulas easier.
  • Using ERROR.TYPE with IFERROR and conditional formatting improves error detection and management.
  • Preventing errors with absolute references, data validation, and formula auditing ensures data accuracy.
  • Combining ERROR.TYPE with lookup functions, VBA, and custom rules creates robust error-handling solutions.


Introduction to Excel’s Error.Type Function

Unraveling the Mystery of Excel Errors

In the vast world of Excel, an array of cryptic errors can stump even the most seasoned professionals. The mystery behind each error message can often lead users down a rabbit hole of confusion. However, understanding the root cause of these errors can transform how we manage and interpret our data.

Excel, in its user-oriented design, includes several functions meant to assist in decoding these perplexing messages, with the Error.Type function is a crucial component of this troubleshooting arsenal.

What is Error.Type function?

The ERROR.TYPE function in Excel returns a number corresponding to a specific type of error in a given cell or formula. Instead of displaying the actual error message (such as #DIV/0! or #N/A), this function provides a numerical value that represents the error type.

The syntax, as previously mentioned, is minimalistic and user-friendly: =ERROR.TYPE(error_val).

Here’s a quick breakdown: ‘error_val’ is the argument where the questionable cell reference or error value is placed.

When an error is correctly identified, Error.Type will return an integer ranging from 1 to 7, each corresponding to a specific error type, such as #N/A, #VALUE!, and #REF! to name a few. If there’s no error or the error is unrecognized, it would return the #N/A error value.

Identifying Different Excel Error Types

When delving into Excel’s error messages with the aid of Error.Type, it’s crucial to recognize the different error types it can identify. Each integer returned by the function corresponds to a specific error:

  • #NULL! (1): When a formula attempts to reference an intersection between two areas that do not intersect.
  • #DIV/0! (2): Occurs when a formula divides by zero.
  • #VALUE! (3): Triggered by an incorrect argument type or operand within a formula.
  • #REF! (4): This appears when a reference is invalid, often due to deleted cells or incorrect range operators.
  • #NAME? (5): Arises if Excel doesn’t recognize a formula name or text in a formula.
  • #NUM! (6): Signals that an issue exists with a number in the formula, such as an invalid numerical argument.
  • #N/A (7): Used to indicate when a value is not available to a formula or function.

Utilizing these categories, Error.Type grants us the ability to not only pinpoint the precise error but also narrow down the possible causes, guiding us in exploring the right solutions. The savvy manipulation of these insights can transform error resolution from guesswork into a systematic methodology.

By understanding the nuances of each error type, we can construct custom error handling and notification systems within our spreadsheets, taking our Excel expertise to new heights.


Practical Applications of Error.Type Function

To better understand how the ERROR.TYPE function works, let’s look at a few examples.

Example 1: Identifying a Division by Zero Error

Suppose I have the following formula in C2:


Error.Type Function

If B2 contains 0, Excel will return the #DIV/0! error. To check the error type in D2, I use:


Error.Type Function

This will return 2, indicating a division by zero error.

Example 2: Detecting a Missing Value Error

If I am using a VLOOKUP function and the lookup value is missing from the dataset, Excel will return #N/A.

=VLOOKUP(100, A2:B10, 2, FALSE)

Error.Type Function

To detect this error, I can use:


Error.Type Function

This will return 7, which corresponds to the #N/A error.

Example 3: Streamlining Error Detection

Let’s put Error.Type into practice with a scenario that illuminates its effectiveness in streamlining error detection. Imagine managing a financial report that relies on an extensive series of calculations. In such a document, a single error can have a domino effect, leading to widespread inaccuracies. Here’s where Error.Type comes in.

Begin by setting up an error check column alongside your data. Use the Error.Type function to identify if the cells contain any errors. Then, apply conditional formatting to highlight the cells where Error.Type doesn’t return #N/A, indicating an error presence:

=IF(ISERROR(C2), “Error: ” & CHOOSE(ERROR.TYPE(A2), “Null”, “Div/0”, “Value”, “Ref”, “Name”, “Num”, “N/A”), “No Error”)

Error.Type Function

This formula will display “No Error” if everything is in order, while spelling out the specific issue if something is amiss. This simple error detection mechanism not only catches problems early but also communicates the type of issue immediately, allowing swift and targeted action to rectify the error.

By applying such examples in our spreadsheets, we transform the way we handle errors—turning potential roadblocks into quick pit stops on our journey to precise and reliable data analysis.

Tips and Tricks for Error-Free Spreadsheets

Error Prevention Strategies in Excel

Preventing errors in Excel is just as pivotal as correcting them, as it saves time and preserves data integrity. Here are some error prevention strategies that I recommend:

  • Absolute References: Always use absolute cell references (using the ‘$’ symbol) when needed to prevent reference errors during copying and pasting formulas.
  • Named Ranges: Implement named ranges to make your formulas intuitive and less prone to errors. They replace obscure cell references with meaningful names.
  • Data Validation: Use Excel’s Data Validation tool to restrict input to specific values or ranges, thus preventing errors caused by inappropriate data entries.
  • Formula Auditing: Regularly use Formula Auditing tools to check for potential errors. Trace precedents and dependents to ensure your formulas are referencing the correct cells.
  • IFERROR and Error.Type Functions: Incorporate IFERROR and Error.Type functions into your formulas to handle potential errors gracefully and catch them early on.

Each of these strategies plays a critical role in the construction of secure and reliable Excel workbooks. Through their application, we can craft error-resistant environments conducive to quality analysis and decision-making.

Combining Error.Type with Other Functions for Robust Solutions

Marrying the Error.Type function with other Excel functions forges a robust defense against errors. Here’s how we can build formidable solutions by joining forces with other Excel functionalities:

  • With IFERROR: IFERROR is adept at catching any type of error and can provide an alternative result or action. Pairing Error.Type with IFERROR allows us to not only pinpoint an error but also choose how Excel responds to it. This dual approach ensures nothing falls through the cracks.
  • With Conditional Formats: Combining Error.Type with Conditional Formatting heightens our visual aids, illuminating cells with specific errors for quicker identification and resolution.
  • With VLOOKUP or INDEX-MATCH: When retrieving data, incorporating Error.Type into your lookup formulas can alert you of potential #N/A errors if the sought value is not found.
  • With Data Validation: Using Error.Type in conjunction with Data Validation rules enables dynamic responses to invalid entries, reinforcing the robustness of our spreadsheets.
  • With Custom VBA Functions: For even more tailored solutions, integrating Error.Type within VBA custom functions or macros opens up possibilities for advanced error handling processes.

Together, these combinations form a shield, turning your Excel sheets from a landscape where errors lurk in the shadows into well-lit arenas where errors are promptly spotted and addressed.


FAQ: Mastering Excel’s Error.Type Function

What is the error function in Excel?

In Excel, the error function, Error.Type, is specifically designed to identify the type of error in a formula. It returns a numerical code representing different spreadsheet errors, allowing you to understand and address each error efficiently.

What Does the Error.Type Function Actually Do in Excel?

The Error.Type function in Excel provides a numeric code corresponding to a specific type of error in a cell, aiding in deciphering and troubleshooting formula errors within spreadsheets.

How to use error type function in Excel?

To use the Error.Type function in Excel, input =ERROR.TYPE(reference) in a cell, replacing reference with the cell you want to check for errors. Press Enter to display the error code, if any.

How Can I Quickly Fix Common Errors Detected by Error.Type?

To quickly fix common errors detected by Error.Type, identify the error using its numeric code, then address the issue based on the code—such as correcting cell references or reviewing formula syntax.

How to apply iferror formula?

Apply the IFERROR formula with =IFERROR(value, value_if_error). Replace value with the formula to check, and value_if_error with the output if an error is found. Press Enter to execute.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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