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The Ultimate Guide to Excel Date to Month Formulas

John Michaloudis
When I’m working with dates in Excel, there are times when I need to extract just the month from a full date.
It could be for reporting purposes, organizing data, or simply making my spreadsheets easier to read.

In this guide, I’ll show you a quick and easy way to convert a date to month in Excel using a few built-in functions.

Let’s dive right in!

When I’m working with dates in Excel, there are times when I need to extract just the month from a full date. It could be for reporting purposes, organizing data, or simply making my spreadsheets easier to read. In this guide, I’ll show you a quick and easy way to convert a date to month in Excel using a few built-in functions. Let’s dive right in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Excel treats dates as serial numbers, making calculations and manipulations easier.
  • The MONTH function quickly extracts the month as a number from any date.
  • Use the TEXT function to display full month names, like “March” instead of just “3.”
  • The EOMONTH function helps find the last day of a month, perfect for financial reports.
  • The TEXT function allows for custom date formats, adding versatility to your data.


Decoding Excel’s Date Magic

When Time Becomes a Number

It might seem like wizardry, but the concept is simple once we grasp it: in Excel, time is indeed a number. Dates are meticulously stored as sequential serial numbers, starting with 1 as January 1, 1900. Grasping this idea is crucial when we dive into date calculations or want to uncover trends over time.

It’s this numerical base that enables Excel to perform a plethora of operations with dates, from simple arithmetic to complex analyses.


Key Formulas Unmasked

Get Month from Date Mysteries Solved

Have you ever been mystified by how to isolate the month from a date in Excel? This mystery is easily solved with the MONTH function. It’s straightforward and efficient, extracting a month’s numerical value from any date we plunk into it.

For instance, if we use =MONTH(A1) and A1 contains a date, the function returns the month number for that date.

Date to Month Formulas in Excel

It’s perfect for sorting, organizing, or preparing data for more extensive analysis.

MONTH Function: Your Calendar Companion

The MONTH function in Excel is the calendar companion we never knew we needed. By simply entering =MONTH(serial_number), where the serial_number is the date we’re working with, Excel spits out the month as a numeral between 1 and 12.

Whether I’m reconciling accounts or scheduling posts, MONTH helps me parse through timelines with ease.

Date to Month Formulas in Excel


Turning Dates Inside Out

Extracting the Month Name Effortlessly

To go beyond numbers and obtain the full name of the month, we turn to a combination of the TEXT and DATE functions. This duo works seamlessly to convert dates into their corresponding month names. I’ll simply use =TEXT(A1, “mmmm”), and like magic, the cell will display “March” instead of “3” for a March date.

It’s this little trick that jazzes up my spreadsheets, making them more intuitive and readable for any audience.

Date to Month Formulas in Excel


Power Tricks for Date Manipulation

The Charm of EOMONTH for Fiscal Precision

For financial reporting, precise ending dates are a must, and the EOMONTH function is the spell I cast for fiscal precision. With this function, I can instantly get the last day of any given month. Even more enchantingly, EOMONTH allows us to leap ahead or fall back by ‘n’ months with ease.

By inputting =EOMONTH(A2, 0) for example, I’m handed the final day of the month from the date in A2. For financial reports and planning, this kind of accuracy is not just convenient, it’s essential.

Date to Month Formulas in Excel

Leveraging TEXT Function for Custom Formats

The TEXT function does more than meet the eye; it’s a master of disguise for numbers, especially for dates in Excel. By leveraging the TEXT function, we can apply custom formats to date values and convert them to text strings.

For example, using =TEXT(TODAY(),”mmmm dd, yyyy”) yields today’s date in a full and friendly format. I particularly cherish this feature because it allows the integration of dates into textual reports, charts, and concatenations, retaining the essence while suiting the aesthetic and functional context of the task at hand.

Date to Month Formulas in Excel


Practical Scenarios Unveiled

Financial Reporting Made Easy with Monthly Breakdowns

When it comes to financial reporting, breaking data down by month can streamline the entire process, making it more comprehensible and actionable. Excel enables us to dissect date-stamped financial transactions into monthly segments using the YEAR and MONTH functions.

This way, I can compile monthly revenue, expenditures, or any other financial metric with remarkable ease. It’s a simple yet powerful approach to distill extensive date ranges into meaningful insights that can guide budget adjustments or forecast future trends effectively.

Tracking Project Timelines Through Dates

In project management, tracking timelines through dates with Excel is indispensable for ensuring on-schedule delivery. I employ formulas that add or subtract days to the start or end dates, adjusting schedules with precision.

For example, adding a set number of workdays to a project start date to determine a milestone’s deadline using the WORKDAY function is a common practice. With visual aids like Gantt charts crafted from these date calculations, project overviews become accessible, keeping stakeholders informed and projects on track.


FAQs on Excel Date to Month Sorcery

How to convert date to month in Excel?

To convert a date to a month in Excel, use the MONTH function. Input =MONTH(A1) where A1 is the cell that contains the date. Press Enter, and Excel will display the month as a number from 1 for January to 12 for December. This is a quick and efficient way to extract the month number from a date.

Can I extract the month from a date without using formulas?

Yes, I can extract the month from a date without using any formulas by utilizing Excel’s custom date formatting. Right-click on the date cell, select ‘Format Cells’, choose ‘Custom’, and type ‘MMMM’ for the full month name or ‘MMM’ for the abbreviated version. The cell will then display only the month, making it a formula-free solution.

How can I convert a month’s name back into its number form?

To convert a month’s name back to its number form in Excel, use the MONTH and DATEVALUE functions together. Enter =MONTH(DATEVALUE(A1 & “1”)) where A1 is the cell with the month name. This will give you the month’s numerical equivalent, with “January” converting to 1, “February” to 2, and so on.

What is the formula for day to month in Excel?

Excel does not have a specific “day to month” formula because days don’t directly convert to months. However, to calculate the number of full months between two dates, you could use DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, “m”). This function will return the number of complete months between two dates. If you’re looking to extract the day number from a date irrespective of the month, use the DAY function by entering =DAY(A1), replacing A1 with your date cell.

How to use the month function in Excel?

To use the MONTH function in Excel, input =MONTH(serial_number) into a cell, substituting ‘serial_number’ with the cell reference that contains your date. For example, =MONTH(A2) will return the month as a numerical value from 1 (January) to 12 (December) for the date in cell A2. It’s a quick method to retrieve the month from a date.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Excel CELL Function

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