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The Ultimate Guide to Excel TXT – How to Import Text Files

John Michaloudis
When dealing with data, I often find myself needing to import or export TXT files in Excel.
TXT files, typically saved as .txt, are simple text files that store data in a structured format, often separated by spaces, tabs, or commas.

In this guide, I'll walk you through the key ways to handle TXT files in Excel, including importing, exporting, and formatting them properly.

When dealing with data, I often find myself needing to import or export TXT files in Excel. TXT files, typically saved as .txt, are simple text files that store data in a structured format, often separated by spaces, tabs, or commas. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the key ways to handle TXT files in Excel, including importing, exporting, and formatting them properly.

Key Takeaways:

  • TXT files store data in a structured format but lack Excel’s advanced features.
  • Properly structured text files improve import accuracy and reduce errors.
  • Excel provides multiple ways to import TXT files, including Open, Text Import Wizard, and Power Query.
  • Exporting data to TXT ensures compatibility with other applications but may strip formatting.
  • Handling delimiters and encoding correctly prevents data corruption and import errors.


Introduction to Excel TXT File Importing

Understanding the Basics of Text Files in Excel

When dealing with text files in Excel, it’s crucial to understand that they’re essentially plain-text documents containing data often organized in a tabular format. Unlike Excel workbooks, these files do not store formatting, formulas, or macros. However, upon opening a text file in Excel, the program provides tools like the text-to-columns feature, enabling us to distribute data into different cells systematically.

The Importance of Efficient Data Management

Efficient data management is the backbone of any successful project or analysis. If data is unorganized or inaccurately imported, it can lead to faulty insights and poor decision-making. By mastering Excel text file importing, we ensure that the data I work with is reliable, easily accessible, and neatly structured. This foundational step is vital, as it sets the stage for all subsequent data manipulation and analysis tasks.


Preparing Your TXT File for Excel

Optimizing the Text File Structure

Before importing a text file into Excel, ensuring it’s well-structured can save an immense amount of time and reduce errors. A well-structured text file has its data neatly organized, typically with consistent delimiters like tabs or commas to separate values. This uniformity is crucial for Excel to interpret where one piece of data ends and another begins. To optimize, one should remove unnecessary spaces and organize the data in rows and columns.

Ensuring Data Compatibility and Integrity

To maintain data integrity during import, it’s imperative to verify that the text file is compatible with Excel’s format requirements. This means checking the consistency of data points, like dates and currencies, and ensuring that no data is missing or misplaced. Additionally, one should look out for any special characters that might not translate well into Excel and pre-emptively address these potential discrepancies. By doing so, the risk of errors and data corruption during the import process is significantly minimized.


Step-by-Step Guide to Importing TXT Files into Excel

Using the “Open” Method

One of the easiest ways to open a TXT file in Excel is by using the Open feature. Here’s how I do it:

STEP 1: Open Excel and click on the File tab.

Excel TXT

STEP 2: Click on Open > Browse.

Excel TXT

STEP 3: Change the file type to Text Files (.prn;.txt;*.csv). Locate and select the TXT file I want to open.

Click Open.

Excel TXT

STEP 4: If the data is structured with delimiters (e.g., commas, tabs), the Text Import Wizard will launch. I choose Delimited and click Next.

Excel TXT

STEP 5: I select the appropriate delimiter (Tab, Comma, Space, etc.), then click Next.

Excel TXT

STEP 6: I choose the appropriate column format (General, Text, or Date) and click Finish.

Excel TXT

The data is now properly imported into Excel.

Using Power Query for TXT Files

For larger or more complex TXT files, I prefer using Power Query, which provides more control over the data.

STEP 1: Open Excel and go to the Data tab. Click Get Data > From Text/CSV.

Excel TXT

STEP 2: Select the TXT file and click Import.

Excel TXT

STEP 3: Excel automatically detects delimiters. If necessary, I adjust the settings and click Load.

Excel TXT

The data is loaded into a structured table in Excel.

Excel TXT


Exporting Excel Data to a TXT File

When I need to share my Excel data in a TXT format, I follow these steps:

STEP 1: Open the worksheet I want to save as a TXT file. Click File > Save As.

Excel TXT

STEP 2: Choose a location to save the file.

Excel TXT

STEP 3: In the Save as type dropdown, I select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt) – This separates data using tab spaces.

Excel TXT

STEP 4: Click Save. The data will be saved as a TXT file.


Common Issues and Their Solutions While Importing

Handling Delimiter Dilemmas

Delimiters can make or break the data import process in Excel. If my text file doesn’t use standard delimiters like commas or tabs, or if there are inconsistencies, Excel might not import the data correctly. To address these dilemmas, the Import Wizard allows me to specify custom delimiters. Furthermore, if the data contains consecutive delimiters or multiple delimiter types, there’s an option to treat these as a single delimiter for a cleaner import. To prevent potential issues, I always double-check the delimiter settings before finalizing the import.

Troubleshooting Warning Messages and Encoding Problems

When importing text files, warning messages and encoding issues can be common. Excel might display alerts about data that doesn’t fit the column’s format, such as a date being interpreted as text. It’s important to carefully review these messages and rectify inconsistencies. As for encoding, if a text file uses a non-standard character set, it might not display correctly in Excel. To solve this, I select the correct encoding setting during the import process to ensure all characters are represented accurately. This prevents data loss and ensures the data’s readability.


Case Study: Real-world Examples and Best Practices

Streamlining Bulk Data Imports for Business Analysis

In a real-world scenario, businesses often need to manage large volumes of data efficiently. For example, when a retail company needs to analyze sales data across multiple stores, streamlining bulk data imports becomes critical. By employing Excel’s Power Query or setting up automated macros, businesses can consolidate data effortlessly. This not only accelerates the import process but also ensures that data is consistently cleansed and organized, paving the way for accurate and timely business analysis.

Solving Unique Challenges in Data Conversion

Every so often, unique data conversion challenges arise—like importing a text file with complex nested structures or non-standard encodings. A deep dive into specialty models, such as those for handling hierarchical data formats, can be valuable. For instance, converting log files with unique delimiter schemes or importing text embedded within Excel cells requires customized solutions. Utilizing scripts or add-ins can address these specific needs, ensuring that the data I convert is both accurate and usable within Excel.


Beyond Importing: Managing and Analyzing Imported Data

Effective Data Organization Post-Import

After successfully importing text files into Excel, effective data organization is key to maximizing the usability of my dataset. This means categorizing data into meaningful columns and rows, using tables for better sort and filter options, and applying conditional formatting to highlight key information. Proper organization not only enhances the readability of data but also facilitates better integration with Excel’s various analysis tools. By methodically structuring data post-import, I ensure that it is primed for any analysis or reporting task that lies ahead.

Utilizing Excel’s Features for Data Analysis

Once I’ve imported and organized my data, Excel offers a wealth of features to analyze it effectively. Excel’s pivot tables allow for dynamic data summarization, enabling me to drill down into specific details and surface insights quickly. Functions like VLOOKUP and MATCH are great for correlating data across different sheets. Charts and graphs provide visual representation of data trends, while the Forecast Sheet feature can predict future scenarios based on existing data patterns. By harnessing these tools, I can turn imported data into actionable intelligence.


FAQ: Mastering Text File Imports in Excel

Can I open a txt file in Excel?

Yes, I can open a TXT file in Excel using the Open option or the Text Import Wizard. Excel allows me to structure the data properly by selecting delimiters and formatting columns during import.

What is the difference between TXT, CSV, and XLS file formats?

TXT files contain plain text with no special formatting or structure. CSV files are also plain text but use a comma or other delimiter to separate values. XLS files are Excel spreadsheets with formatting, functions, and more complex features.

How do I handle different delimiters when importing text files?

To handle different delimiters when importing text files into Excel, choose the correct delimiter in the text import wizard. If it’s not listed, use the ‘Other’ option to specify a custom delimiter

Can I automate the import process for repeated use?

Yes, I can use Power Query for scheduled imports or create a VBA macro for automation. These methods help streamline recurring imports and ensure consistency in data handlin

Why is my TXT file not importing correctly into Excel?

It could be due to delimiter inconsistencies or encoding issues. I check for extra spaces, mismatched delimiters, or non-standard characters and adjust settings in the Import Wizard or Power Query to fix the issue.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Freezing a Cell in Excel

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