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The Ultimate F Key Excel Guide to Function Keys

John Michaloudis
When working in Excel, I always look for ways to improve my efficiency.
One of the best productivity boosters is using the function keys (F keys) on my keyboard.

These keys offer a range of shortcuts that can save time and effort when navigating and editing spreadsheets.

Let me walk you through what each F key does in Excel and how I use them in my daily work.

When working in Excel, I always look for ways to improve my efficiency. One of the best productivity boosters is using the function keys (F keys) on my keyboard. These keys offer a range of shortcuts that can save time and effort when navigating and editing spreadsheets. Let me walk you through what each F key does in Excel and how I use them in my daily work.

Key Takeaways:

  • Function keys (F1–F12) provide powerful shortcuts that enhance efficiency in Excel.
  • F1 offers quick access to help, while F2–F4 simplifies editing, formulas, and printing.
  • F5–F8 improves navigation, selection, and pane management for a seamless workflow.
  • F9 recalculates formulas instantly, and F10–F12 streamlines file management and chart creation.
  • Mastering function keys reduces reliance on the mouse, saving time on repetitive tasks.


Discovering the Power of F Keys in Excel

The Essentials of Function Keys

As an experienced user of Microsoft Excel, I regard the function keys as a hidden gem that can significantly enhance productivity. Known as the F keys, these stretch across the top of the keyboard, from F1 to F12, and each holds its own set of commands. Initially crucial in the early days of computing, they have retained their worth for efficient navigation and action within Excel.

For those of us who spend considerable time in Excel, becoming familiar with what each F key can accomplish is a step towards mastering the application.

Revolutionizing Excel Workflows

Utilizing the F keys within Excel transforms the speed and fluidity with which we manage data. They serve as direct shortcuts to frequently needed commands that would otherwise require multiple steps with a mouse or touchpad. Imagine, for example, being able to jump directly to a specific cell reference or opening the “Save As” dialog without sifting through menus.

This is the kind of workflow enhancement that the F keys offer. By integrating these shortcuts into daily Excel use, we can escape the tedium of routine tasks, allowing for a more dynamic, responsive, and ultimately productive use of our time.


Navigating Excel with F1 to F4

F1 Key: Your Gateway to Help and Ribbon Shortcuts

The F1 key in Excel is synonymous with help and support. Pressing it opens up the Excel Help pane, providing quick access to a wealth of information and resources to assist with any Excel questions that may arise. By hitting F1, I’m immediately presented with articles, tutorials, and frequently asked questions that can guide me through complex formulas or offer tips to optimize my spreadsheet.

F Key Excel

Furthermore, in combination with other keys, such as Ctrl+F1, I can easily toggle the visibility of the Excel ribbon, giving me more screen real estate for my work.

F Key Excel

With F1 at my disposal, assistance and greater control over my workbook’s interface are just a keypress away.

F2 to F4: Editing, Printing, and Multipurpose Commands

The F2 key is extremely handy when it comes to editing cells. Without reaching for the mouse, I can quickly initiate editing mode in a selected cell, placing the cursor at the end of the existing content. This is particularly useful when dealing with lengthy formulas.

F Key Excel

Pressing Shift+F2, on the other hand, allows me to add or modify comments in a cell – a vital feature for providing clarity or instructions within a shared workbook.

F Key Excel

The F3 key serves a different yet equally important purpose by providing an easy shortcut to paste named ranges or defined names within formulas. This saves time by avoiding the necessity to remember or look up these ranges.

F Key Excel

When it comes to preparing documents for distribution, the F4 key shows its versatility. Not only does it repeat the last action – such as applying formatting – with a simple keystroke, but when combined with Ctrl, it switches my view to the Print Preview screen (Ctrl+F2), a crucial step to ensure that everything is correctly aligned before I print or distribute a document.

The F4 key also toggles between relative and absolute references while editing formulas, a vital feature when creating complex spreadsheets.

F Key Excel


Intermediate Functions: F5 to F8 Excel Shortcuts

F5 Key: Mastering ‘Go To’ and Window Management

The F5 key opens the door to efficiency in navigating large Excel workbooks. With a single press, it displays the “Go To” dialog box, allowing me to jump directly to any cell or range with a quick keystroke. This feature keeps me from getting lost in extensive datasets and saves precious time that I’d otherwise spend scrolling.

F Key Excel

Beyond speedy navigation, pressing Ctrl+F5 serves as a handy tool for window management. This combination restores the size of the currently selected workbook window. As someone who often works with multiple open workbooks, this function helps me maintain an organized and clutter-free workspace, returning minimized workbooks to their original sizes with ease.

F6 to F8: Switching Panes and Selection Extensions

The functionality of the F6 key within Excel makes multi-pane navigation a breeze. When I press F6, I can cycle through the worksheet, the ribbon, the task pane, and Zoom controls seamlessly. In a split worksheet, F6 cleverly includes the divided panes in the rotation, simplifying data comparison across sections of my sheet.

For reverse navigation, Shift+F6 has got me covered, moving in the opposite order and maintaining my workflow’s rhythm without missing a beat.

Meanwhile, the F8 key is a powerhouse for extending cell selections. Activating extend mode with a tap enables me to highlight a range from the active cell to wherever I click next, all without dragging the mouse. And for those moments when I need to select multiple cells that aren’t adjacent, Shift+F8 is the perfect ally, allowing me to add to my selection using the arrow keys.

This way, I can compile complex data sets for analysis or formatting without the cumbersome task of clicking each cell individually. Together, these keys significantly elevate my capacity to handle various tasks within Excel with finesse and precision.


Advanced Efficiency with F9 to F12

F9 Key: Instant Calculations and Minimizing Tricks

Pressing F9 in Excel is like having a superpower at my fingertips, especially when dealing with complex models full of formulas. Each tap forces a recalculation of every worksheet in every open workbook, making this key invaluable for data analysis where accuracy and up-to-date information are paramount. It’s particularly beneficial after bulk data entries or updates, ensuring that all subsequent calculations reflect these changes immediately.

Additionally, a lesser-known but clever use of the F9 key is its ability to evaluate portions of a formula. By entering “Edit” mode with F2 and highlighting a specific part of the formula, then pressing F9, I can see the result of that segment without committing to the change.

This trick is exceptional for debugging and understanding how different formula components influence the overall outcome. However, it’s crucial to remember to press Ctrl+Z to undo the evaluation before exiting the cell, as the F9 key replaces the formula with the value it computes.

F10 to F12: Keytips, File Management, and Chart Operations

When I tap the F10 key in Excel, it reveals the KeyTips for the ribbon, meaning it displays the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to activate ribbon commands without using a mouse. This effect is also mirrored when I use the ‘Alt’ key. Once the KeyTips are displayed, pressing the corresponding letter on the keyboard activates that particular option, significantly streamlining navigation through the Excel menus.

The function of the Alt + F10 combination is particularly helpful as it brings up the Selection Pane in Excel, which lists all the objects, such as charts or images, that are within the worksheet. It’s a quick way to manage these elements without the need to sift through layers of data.

F Key Excel

\With Ctrl + F10, I can maximize or restore the selected workbook window, which is essential for focusing on the task at hand or managing my workspace when I’m working with several windows simultaneously. Moreover, Shift + F10 is akin to right-clicking an item, as it opens a context menu that’s chock-full of relevant commands for the selected item, providing me with a speedy alternative to using the mouse.

F Key Excel

The utility of the F11 key is most evident when I want to create a visual representation of data; it instantly crafts a chart based on selected data into a new sheet. This facilitation of chart creation with a single keystroke is a boon to anyone working with data visualization.

F Key Excel

Lastly, the F12 key opens the “Save As” dialog box, a fundamental procedure for saving files, especially when I need to create a copy of the workbook or save it in a different format. It’s a timesaver that bypasses the need for several clicks through the File menu.

F Key Excel

In sum, these F keys provide me with a toolkit for efficiently managing files and data within Excel, offering shortcuts for common tasks that can greatly enhance workflow and productivity.



1. What are Excel shortcuts?

Excel shortcuts are key combinations used to perform tasks in Microsoft Excel much faster than with a mouse or touchpad. By using these predefined shortcuts, efficiency and productivity are greatly boosted as they allow directly accessing features or performing actions with just a few keystrokes.

2. What are some of the most common Excel shortcuts?

Some of the most common Excel shortcuts include Ctrl+C for copy, Ctrl+V for paste, Ctrl+Z for undo, and Ctrl+Y for redo. F2 is used for editing a selected cell, while Ctrl+A selects all cells. For navigation, Home moves to the beginning of a worksheet and End to its end. Additionally, Ctrl+P opens the print dialog, and Ctrl+S saves the workbook.

3. How do I manage shortcuts in Excel?

To manage shortcuts in Excel, go to the File menu, select Options, and then click the Customize Ribbon tab. Here, access the Keyboard Shortcuts option to modify existing shortcuts or create new ones by assigning key combinations to preferred commands, tailoring your Excel experience to your workflow.

4. Why are Excel shortcuts important?

Excel shortcuts are important because they streamline the use of the software, allowing tasks to be completed more quickly and efficiently. They also reduce the strain of repetitive actions, thereby minimizing the risk of repetitive strain injuries. Using shortcuts can help improve productivity and enhance focus on critical tasks.

5. How can I undo the last action in Excel?

To undo the last action in Excel, simply press the Ctrl+Z shortcut. This command will reverse your most recent action, which is incredibly useful if you make an error or change your mind about an edit you’ve just made to the spreadsheet.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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