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Quick Formula for Today’s Date in Excel – Step by Step Guide

John Michaloudis
In Excel, tracking and managing dates is crucial for keeping our data organized and up-to-date.
Today, I’m going to show you how to work with today’s date in Excel, including how to display and use it effectively in your spreadsheets.

Let’s understand how to use formula  for Today's Date in Excel.

In Excel, tracking and managing dates is crucial for keeping our data organized and up-to-date. Today, I’m going to show you how to work with today’s date in Excel, including how to display and use it effectively in your spreadsheets. Let’s understand how to use formula  for Today’s Date in Excel.

Key Takeaways:

  • The TODAY() function provides the current date and updates automatically each time the spreadsheet recalculates.
  • Using keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + ; allows for quick entry of today’s date without needing a formula.
  • The TODAY() function is useful for tracking deadlines and milestones by comparing it with other dates in your spreadsheet.
  • Advanced uses of TODAY() include combining it with other functions for complex date calculations and automated conditional formatting.
  • If the TODAY() function stops updating, check that automatic recalculation is enabled or manually refresh the workbook.


Starting Off With Today’s Date in Excel

The Power of the TODAY Function

Getting today’s date into your Excel spreadsheet only takes a moment, courtesy of the versatile TODAY function. It’s my favorite tool when I need to stamp the current date promptly, and it serves as a foundation for numerous date-dependent formulas. Implementing the TODAY function allows data to remain consistently up-to-date whenever we open the spreadsheet.

Understanding the Syntax for Efficiency

Understanding the syntax of Excel functions, particularly TODAY(), is crucial for efficiency. The wonderful aspect of TODAY() is its simplicity – it requires no arguments. This means when I use =TODAY() in a cell, Excel automatically populates the current date without needing any additional information from me.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

It streamlines tasks, especially when managing multiple date-sensitive activities in a busy spreadsheet environment.


Step-by-Step Techniques to Insert Today’s Date

Keyboard Shortcuts for Instant Access

When I’m in a rush and need to enter today’s date quickly into a cell, keyboard shortcuts are my best friend. By pressing Ctrl + ; on my keyboard, the current date is instantly inserted into the selected cell.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

If I need the current time as well, I can follow it up with a Space, then Ctrl + Shift + ;.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

These shortcuts are invaluable time-savers for me.

Formula for Today’s Date in Excel

For data that needs to reflect the current date each day, I rely on the dynamic nature of the TODAY() formula. By entering =TODAY() into a cell, the date it displays updates automatically to the current date every time I open the spreadsheet.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

This feature is perfect for tracking daily tasks, and goals, or for any project where today’s date is a relevant metric.


Smart Uses for Today’s Date in Data Analysis

Tracking Deadlines and Milestones

One of the smartest ways I utilize today’s date in Excel is for tracking deadlines and milestones. By comparing the TODAY() function to a list of project deadlines, I can effortlessly calculate how many days remain or have elapsed.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

This enables real-time status updates on progress and helps ensure that I’m on track for upcoming deadlines or identifying any that are overdue.

Real-Time Data Comparison and Age Calculations

When it comes to real-time data comparison and age calculations, the TODAY() function in Excel is invaluable. By subtracting a past date from today’s date, we can determine the age of an item, person, or duration of an event in days, and with further calculations, in months or years.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

This is particularly useful for quickly assessing time-sensitive data or for generating automated reports that require current age estimations.


Beyond the Basics: Advanced Tricks with Today’s Date

Automating Conditional Formatting Based on Current Date

Automating conditional formatting with the current date has been a game-changer for me, especially when managing long lists or calendars. By defining a rule with the formula =B2=TODAY(), where B2 is the top-left cell of the selected range, I can have today’s date highlighted across my data.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

Whenever I open the document, the highlight adjusts automatically to the current date, instantly drawing attention to today’s relevant entries without manual checks.

Crafting Complex Formulas Using TODAY()

When I delve into more sophisticated Excel tasks, I combine TODAY() with other functions to craft complex formulas. For example, to determine due dates, I might combine the TODAY() with the WORKDAY function to calculate future dates.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

These complex formulas save me significant effort by automating calculations that would otherwise be cumbersome.


Troubleshooting Common Today Date Function Issues

Why Your Today Function Might Not Update

we often take for granted how the TODAY() function updates itself. But what if it stops refreshing? Most likely, the reason is that automatic recalculation is turned off. I go to the Formulas tab, select Calculation Options, and choose Automatic to get it back on track.

Formula for Today's Date in Excel

This simple check ensures the TODAY() function accurately reflects the current date each time I interact with my workbook.

Errors and Miscalculations – How to Fix Them

When encountering errors or miscalculations with the TODAY() function, I always start by checking for manual entry mistakes or incorrect cell references in my formulas. If troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the issue, I verify that my cell is formatted correctly to display dates.

In some cases, recalculating the workbook (F9 key) can force an update and correct the problem. Persistence and attention to detail are essential in resolving these hiccups.


FAQ Section

Is there a formula for today’s date in Excel?

Yes, the formula for today’s date in Excel is =TODAY(). It inserts the current date into a cell and updates it automatically whenever the worksheet recalculates.

How to auto populate today’s date in Excel?

To auto-populate today’s date in Excel, simply enter =TODAY() in the desired cell. When the workbook opens, the cell will display the current date.

Why use the excel today’s date function?

We use the Excel TODAY() function because it provides real-time updates of the current date, essential for time-sensitive data analyses, tracking deadlines, and automating day-to-day tasks.

Can You Set the Date Once Without It Changing Daily?

Yes, to set the date once without it changing daily in Excel, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + ; to insert a static date that won’t update automatically. This is useful for timestamping entries.

How Do I Prevent the TODAY Function from Updating?

To prevent the TODAY function from updating in Excel, convert the dynamic date to a static value by copying the cell with the TODAY formula and using Paste Special > Values. This retains the current date without future changes.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to VLOOKUP Versus INDEX MATCH in Excel

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