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How to Get First Match in Excel – Step by Step MATCH Formula Tutorial

John Michaloudis
As someone who works extensively with data in Excel, I often need to find the first match of a value in a range.
Whether I’m searching for a product name, an employee ID, or any other specific data point, having a quick and reliable method to extract the first occurrence can save a lot of time.

In this article, I’ll walk you through several ways to get first match in Excel using formulas and functions.

As someone who works extensively with data in Excel, I often need to find the first match of a value in a range. Whether I’m searching for a product name, an employee ID, or any other specific data point, having a quick and reliable method to extract the first occurrence can save a lot of time. In this article, I’ll walk you through several ways to get first match in Excel using formulas and functions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use INDEX and MATCH for flexible and precise first-match lookups, bypassing the limitations of VLOOKUP.
  • The first match is essential for reliable analyses, especially in datasets with duplicates, like tracking the earliest transaction or inquiry.
  • Enhance your searches with wildcards like * and ? to handle partial data or patterns effectively.
  • Keep data structured, clean, and targeted to speed up lookups and improve workbook efficiency.
  • Always set range lookup to FALSE (or 0) in functions like VLOOKUP and MATCH to ensure Excel retrieves the exact first match.


Introduction to Powerful Excel Lookup Techniques

Unleashing the Potential of INDEX and MATCH

In the world of Excel, looking up and retrieving data efficiently can save not only precious time but also enhance our analytical capabilities. This is where combining the INDEX and MATCH functions becomes incredibly powerful. Often overshadowed by the more commonly known VLOOKUP, the synergy between INDEX and MATCH is like discovering a secret pathway to data management mastery.

While INDEX retrieves data from a specific part of an Excel array, MATCH functions as the perfect partner by pinpointing the exact location of the data I need within a row or column. With these two, I circumvent the limitations imposed by other lookup functions, crafting dynamic and versatile formulae that stay robust even as the data evolves.

Understanding First Match Significance

The concept of a ‘first match’ is pivotal when working with datasets where duplicate entries might exist. Identifying the initial occurrence of a particular piece of data is significant, especially when sorting is not viable or desired. Consider a scenario where a dataset contains multiple entries for the same customer or product.

The first match could represent the earliest order or inquiry, which might have different implications compared to subsequent ones. It’s essential to capture this particular instance accurately to avoid skewed analyses or reporting. Hence, understanding the significance of the first match in lookup operations ensures the reliability and relevance of the data extracted for my purposes. It’s not about just finding any match; it’s about finding that specific match that holds the key to meaningful insights.


Navigating Excel Functions for Precise Lookups

The Role of the SEARCH Function to Get First Match

The SEARCH function in Excel is a treasure when it comes to finding text strings within a larger text. It serves a pivotal role in pinpointing exact matches and is especially useful due to its case-insensitive nature – ideal for scenarios where text variations are abundant.

Where case sensitivity isn’t required, I find SEARCH to be incredibly efficient, as it saves me from worrying about the text’s letter case while searching. For instance, SEARCH won’t distinguish between “Japan” and “JAPAN,” which is practical for quickly sifting through data without the added step of normalizing text format.

Get First Match in Excel

This ease of use is why SEARCH often becomes my go-to function when I need to find the position of one bit of text within another, without the hassle of case considerations standing in my way.

Combining Functions for Enhanced Search Capability

Combining Excel functions unlocks a level of enhanced search capability that goes beyond the basics. Tapping into this power, I often mix the SEARCH function with others like ISNUMBER to confirm the presence of text before proceeding with other operations. This ensures the subsequent functions only act on cells containing the data I’m targeting.

Get First Match in Excel

Another dynamic duo I employ is the INDEX and MATCH combo. This partnership is like a precision drill, allowing me to conduct exact, flexible searches over rows and columns—sidestepping the limitations of VLOOKUP that confine me to the leftmost column for lookups.

Utilizing combined functions, I can execute complex searches that are not just powerful but tailored to the specific needs of my data analysis. For instance, I’d use =INDEX(range, MATCH(search_value, range, 0)) to get an exact match for my search_value within the range.

Get First Match in Excel

Each function complements the other, creating a symphony of data retrieval that makes Excel not just a tool, but a craft.


Mastering the Art of Exact Match Lookups

Formula Insights: Return the Exact Match (First Occurrence)

When we need to return the first exact match in Excel, we typically use the VLOOKUP function with its ‘range_lookup’ set to FALSE. This ensures that Excel stops at the first exact occurrence it finds. The syntax, like a gentle command, tells Excel precisely what we’re after: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, FALSE). Here, by setting the last argument to FALSE, I instruct Excel to bypass approximations and fetch me the incontrovertible first match.

Get First Match in Excel

So Excel dutifully obeys, combing through the specified range and stopping the moment it identifies the first companion to my lookup value.

Advanced Tactics: Using Wildcards for Flexible Matching

Delving into the art of flexible matching using wildcards with the MATCH function elevates my Excel gameplay. It’s akin to having a fine-tuned detector that can hone in on patterns within text data. By inserting an asterisk (*) to represent any sequence of characters and a question mark (?) to stand in for a single character, my search queries become both robust and versatile.

Take, for example, the formula =MATCH("car*", A2:A9,0). This little expression, while seemingly innocuous, wields the power to find any entry in my designated range that starts with “car”. It doesn’t rest until it locates the first row that satisfies this condition.

Get First Match in Excel

For exact character placement, I might use =MATCH("b?at", A2:A9,0) to find entries such as “Baker” where only one character varies—the wildcard’s question mark makes light work of this variability.

Get First Match in Excel

These tactics shine in scenarios where I have partial information or when I’m faced with data that contains pesky leading, trailing, or intermittent spaces. By embedding an asterisk at the end of my lookup value, it dismisses those spaces, faithfully returning the match I seek—unperturbed by their presence.


Practical Applications and Tips

Real-Life Scenarios: When to Use First Match Lookup

In practice, knowing when to utilize first-match lookups can turn data processing from daunting to delightful. Consider a customer support log where the first call logged by a customer might indicate an issue’s first report. Here, nabbing the first match allows me to accurately track issue resolution times. In the realm of financial transactions, the first match could guide me to the initial purchase, which is pivotal for analyzing customer buying behaviors.

Inventory management is another arena where extracting the first match is instrumental. I can quickly identify the first entry of a stock item, which is essential for FIFO accounting purposes. It’s not just about finding any record; it’s about pinpointing the definitive record that can flip the narrative or alter the business strategy.

Each scenario underscores the utility of first-match lookups as more than a mere function; they are the compass that guides me through the complexities hidden within my sheets.

Optimizing Your Workbook for Faster Result Retrieval

Optimizing workbooks is paramount to achieving faster result retrieval, essential for those moments when speed isn’t just valuable, it’s vital. One technique I adhere to is flattening data into a single, structured table, reducing the need for complex cross-referencing that can slow down my lookups. Another strategy is to keep my lookup ranges tight and targeted; the less data Excel has to sift through, the quicker it presents the results back to me.

I also harness the power of Excel’s Table feature, which introduces structured references and improves formula efficiency. Furthermore, periodic data cleaning to remove duplicates and irrelevant entries ensures my workbook remains not just lean, but primed for speed.

Lastly, I revisit my formulas to ensure they are as streamlined as possible, avoiding volatile functions that can trigger unnecessary recalculations. Through these subtle yet profound tweaks, I ensure that my Excel workbooks are not only providing accurate results but doing so with the swiftness of a race car on the final lap.


FAQs: Your Questions Answered

How Can I Make Sure I’m Getting the Exact Match Every Time?

To ensure exact matches, use functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, or MATCH with the range lookup set to FALSE or 0. This ensures Excel searches only for exact matches.

Is There a Way to Get All Matches for a Particular Cell?

Yes, you can use array formulas like FILTER or INDEX combined with MATCH to extract all matches for a given value in dynamic ranges.

Does VLOOKUP pick the first match?

Yes, VLOOKUP returns the first match it finds when searching from top to bottom.

How to get the first occurrence in Excel?

Use INDEX with MATCH to retrieve the first occurrence of a value in a dataset.

How do you use match () in Excel?

The MATCH function locates the relative position of a value in a range, using syntax like =MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type).

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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