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How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

John Michaloudis
When working with Excel, I often find myself needing to capitalize all the letters in a column or a range of cells.
Whether it's for a presentation, creating consistent formatting, or just making data easier to read, capitalizing text can come in handy.

In this article, I’ll walk you through different methods on how to capitalize all letters in Excel.

When working with Excel, I often find myself needing to capitalize all the letters in a column or a range of cells. Whether it’s for a presentation, creating consistent formatting, or just making data easier to read, capitalizing text can come in handy. In this article, I’ll walk you through different methods on how to capitalize all letters in Excel.

Key Takeaways:

  • The UPPER function converts text to all caps efficiently in Excel.
  • Flash Fill quickly capitalizes text based on patterns you set.
  • VBA macros automate capitalization for large datasets.
  • Power Query is ideal for transforming text in bulk, including capitalization.
  • Keyboard shortcuts like Shift + F3 speed up text case changes.


Unveiling Excel’s Power for Text Transformation

Before jumping into the “how,” let me briefly explain why capitalizing text in Excel can be useful.

  • Consistency: Capitalizing text across a dataset ensures a uniform appearance.
  • Improved readability: Capitalized text can be easier to read in some situations, especially when working with headers, names, or acronyms.
  • Standardization: Capitalization can help standardize your data for comparison or export purposes.

Now that we understand why it’s important, let’s move on to the different methods I use to capitalize text in Excel.

Understanding Excel’s Capabilities for Text Manipulation

Excel’s arsenal of text manipulation capabilities is impressive and understanding these tools can be a game-changer for working with data. With functions like UPPER to capitalize, LOWER to convert to lowercase, and PROPER for title case, I seamlessly manage text formatting. However, especially noteworthy are functions like LEFT, MID, and RIGHT, which can extract specific segments of text, allowing for more granular edits.

When these functions are deftly combined, there’s hardly any text transformation task I can’t handle in Excel. It’s worth noting, however, that while Excel’s functions are powerful, they do adhere to syntactic rules. Ensuring you use the correct syntax guarantees your text data is manipulated accurately, presenting another layer to Excel’s robust text manipulation prowess.


How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

Using Formulas to Transform Case

Converting text to all caps in Excel is a breeze with formulas—an approach I frequently use for its efficiency. By utilizing the UPPER function, I can transform any string of text to entirely uppercase with a simple formula: =UPPER(A1). Here’s all I need to do:

STEP 1: Click on a cell where I want the capitalized result to appear.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

STEP 2: Enter the formula with a reference to the cell containing the text.


How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

STEP 3: Drag the fill handle down or double-click it to apply the formula to the rest of the data.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

This method shines for its dynamism; any changes in the source data are automatically reflected in the capitalized results, ensuring the spreadsheet remains current without further intervention.

Flash Fill: A Time-Saving Trick for Capitalization

When I’m racing against time, Excel’s Flash Fill feature swings in as my quick fix for text capitalization. It’s akin to a smart assistant that learns on the job—with just a hint of what I need. How does it work for capitalizing all letters?

I simply type the capitalized version of the first item in an adjacent column. The names for the rest of the list will be displayed, simply press Enter.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

If the list does not appear, either press Ctrl + E or use the Data tab and click on Flash Fill. In the blink of an eye, Excel fills the entire column with capitalized text, following the pattern I set. It’s delightfully intuitive!

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

But let’s not forget the grandeur of capitalizing each word’s first letter using Flash Fill. Excel spots my pattern as soon as I type the correctly capitalized text in a cell and applies it across the column. It practically reads my mind while saving precious time.

Flash Fill isn’t merely about saving effort; it’s about working smarter, not harder—allowing me to focus more on analysis rather than getting bogged down in monotonous typing.

Using Excel VBA for Capitalization

If I need to capitalize an entire dataset or multiple columns at once, I might prefer using a VBA macro. With VBA, I can automate the process, saving myself time and effort when working with large datasets.

Here’s how I do it:

STEP 1: Press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

STEP 2: In the editor, I go to Insert > Module to create a new code module.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

STEP 3: Enter the following code:

Sub CapitalizeText()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Selection
If Not IsEmpty(cell) Then
cell.Value = UCase(cell.Value)
End If
Next cell
End Sub

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

This code will loop through all the selected cells and convert the text to uppercase.

STEP 4: After closing the VBA editor, I select the range of cells I want to capitalize. Press Alt + F8, choose the CapitalizeText macro, and hit Run. The selected text will be capitalized instantly.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

Using Power Query

Power Query is an excellent tool when I need to clean and transform data, especially when working with larger datasets. Here’s how I use Power Query to capitalize text:

STEP 1: Select the range or table and go to Data > From Table/Range to load the data into Power Query.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

STEP 2: In Power Query, I will select the column I want to capitalize. Then, I will go to Transform > Format > Uppercase.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

STEP 3: After making the changes, I click Close & Load to bring the transformed data back into Excel.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel

Power Query is perfect for handling complex transformations, and it allows me to perform actions like capitalizing, trimming, and more in one place.

How to Capitalize All Letters in Excel


Tips and Tricks to Master Text Case Changes

Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Workflow

Like any seasoned Excel user, I harness keyboard shortcuts to propel my workflow at lightning speeds. Capitalizing text is no exception, and these shortcuts are a lifesaver, especially when I need to make quick case changes without disrupting my flow. Here’s how I put them to use:

I engage the Caps Lock key when I’m about to type a series of all caps; it’s simple and effective for extensive entries. However, when capitalizing existing text, the Shift + F3 shortcut is the real star. Selecting text and toggling through this shortcut cycles it between lowercase, uppercase, and proper case, providing me with the exact capitalization I require with minimal keystrokes.

And for moments when I’m focused on a small fragment of text needing capitalization, Ctrl + Shift + A is my go-to. It’s a less-known shortcut, but it effortlessly changes the selected text to uppercase without affecting the rest.

These shortcuts sharpen my efficiency, letting me manipulate text case on-the-fly amidst other tasks, so my hands never need to leave the keyboard—a small, yet impactful way to heighten productivity.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Working with Text Case

Working with text case in Excel can be treacherous if I’m not vigilant. The pitfalls are many—incorrect case in formulas causing errors, accidental capitalization that leads to inconsistent data formats, or the dreaded overwriting of raw data without backup. I’ve seen it all.

An ounce of prevention here is worth a pound of cure. So, I am careful to work on duplicates of my data, preserving the original. This allows for reversals should anything go awry. Another precautionary measure I take is to verify the case-sensitive nature of any function I’m using. For example, EXACT is case-sensitive, unlike VLOOKUP.

Then, there’s the ever-present risk of human error during manual edits. To sidestep this, I heavily rely on Excel’s features like Flash Fill and formulas or automate through macros and third-party tools to ensure accuracy.

At the end of the day, being cognizant of these common issues—and planning my strategies around them—ensures that my data remains pristine and my text case transformations are flawless.


FAQ: All About Capitalizing Letters in Excel

How do you capitalize all text in Excel?

To capitalize all text in Excel, I use the UPPER function. By typing =UPPER(A1) into a cell, replacing ‘A1’ with the cell reference containing the text I want to capitalize, I can convert text to all caps. Just hit Enter, and Excel does the rest.

How can I quickly capitalize all letters in a selected range?

For quickly capitalizing all letters in a selected range, I often utilize Flash Fill in Excel. After typing the capitalized example in a cell adjacent to the range, I select the cell and press Ctrl + E. Excel recognizes the pattern and applies it to the selected range instantly.

Is there a way to automatically change the case as I type in Excel?

No, Excel doesn’t automatically change the case as you type. You’d need to use a formula or feature like Flash Fill after entry or employ VBA Macros to auto-format text at entry.

What is the shortcut to capitalize words in Excel?

In Excel, there’s no direct shortcut for instant capitalization. However, by using Shift + F3 with text selected, you can toggle between lowercase, uppercase, or proper case.

How to change small letters to capital letters in Excel?

To change small letters to capital letters in Excel, simply use the UPPER function. For example, entering =UPPER(A1) in a new cell will convert the text in A1 to all caps when you press Enter.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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