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How to Duplicate A Sheet in Excel Workbook – Step by Step Guide

John Michaloudis
Microsoft Excel's sheet duplication feature is a powerful tool for managing data efficiently.
It allows you to replicate sheets quickly, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Whether you need to back up data, create multiple scenarios for analysis, or prepare reports, duplicating sheets can significantly enhance your productivity.

With a few clicks, you can duplicate sheets using Excel’s built-in features or even automate the process with VBA code for more advanced needs. Key Takeaways:

  • Duplicating sheets in Excel saves time, ensures consistency, and helps manage data more efficiently.
  • Before duplicating a sheet, check formulas and references to avoid unintended changes.
  • The ‘Move or Copy’ feature in Excel allows for quick duplication of sheets within the same workbook or different workbooks.
  • Using VBA code can automate the process of creating multiple duplicates of a sheet, enhancing productivity.
  • The right-click and drag technique offers a fast and easy way to duplicate sheets, maintaining data integrity and formatting.


Introduction to Excel Sheet Duplication

Why Duplicate Sheets in Excel?

When it comes to managing your data efficiently, Excel is a powerhouse tool. Duplicating sheets within Excel allows you to quickly replicate data, test different scenarios, or back up important information without starting from scratch. Whether you’re looking to perform data analysis, create separate reports, or simply organize your work more effectively, duplicating sheets can turbocharge your productivity while ensuring consistency across your documents.

Imagine you have a monthly report template that needs to be filled out. Instead of creating a new sheet and formatting it every month, you can duplicate the original template, saving loads of time and guaranteeing that each report is uniform.

The Basics Before You Begin

Before you dive into the world of sheet duplication, it’s essential to grasp a few foundational concepts. First and foremost, ensure you have a clear objective for why you need the duplicate. Are you aiming to preserve the original data, create data backups, or maybe develop multiple scenarios for data analysis? Understanding your purpose will determine the approach you take.

It’s also prudent to check all your formulas and references. When duplicating, Excel adjusts them relative to the new location. So, if your tasks involve complex calculations, double-check to avoid any unintended changes.


How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

Using ‘Move or Copy’ Dialog Options

Ready to clone your Excel sheet? The ‘Move or Copy’ feature is your go-to. This straightforward tool right within Excel allows you to duplicate your sheet with just a few clicks. Perform the following steps:

STEP 1: Once you’ve selected the sheet tab using the mouse you wish to duplicate, right-click and locate ‘Move or Copy’ from the context menu or use the keyboard shortcut by pressing Alt + E. This action prompts a dialog box to appear.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 2: In this dialog box, you’ll find options to move or copy your selected sheet either within the same workbook or to a different one. To make a duplicate, simply check the box labeled ‘Create a copy’.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 3: If you’re placing the sheet within the same workbook, pick where to insert it by selecting the location from the ‘Before sheet’.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 4: For duplication into another workbook, choose your desired workbook from the ‘To Book’ dropdown menu; if you’re creating a new workbook for the sheet, select ‘New Book’. Once you’ve made your selection, hit ‘OK’, and voilà —you now have a duplicate sheet. It’s a breeze, right?

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

If you plan to duplicate sheets often, getting familiar with these options will be a real time-saver.

Make sure to always verify the name of the duplicated sheet. Excel appends a sequential number if a sheet with the same name exists, so modify it as needed for better organization. With this knowledge, you can manage and manipulate your data in Excel with even greater agility.


Advanced Tips for Efficient Sheet Duplication

How to Copy a Sheet with Formulas Intact

Copying a sheet with formulas might seem tricky, but it’s actually quite simple. The magic happens because Excel is designed to handle formulas intelligently when you duplicate a sheet.

Things get slightly more complicated when you’re copying a sheet to a different workbook. This is where you need to be vigilant. Formulas that refer to other sheets will still point back to the original workbook unless you adjust them. But, don’t fret – there’s a fix.

If you want those copied formulas to reference a sheet in the new workbook, use Excel’s ‘Find and Replace‘ (Ctrl + H) feature. Here’s your action plan: select all formulas, open ‘Find and Replace’, and replace the old workbook reference with… well, nothing. Just replace it with an empty string, and your formulas will then automatically point to the equivalent sheets in the current workbook.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

Here’s one last pro tip: always double-check that your formulas are performing correctly after making these changes. Your diligence will ensure that your data integrity remains intact, despite shifting from one workbook to an entirely different ecosystem.

Creating Multiple Duplicates at Once

Okay, this is where the magic happens! If you need to create several duplicates of a sheet at once, you don’t have to repeat the duplication process over and over like a groundhog day nightmare. Instead, Excel has got your back with a crafty technique.

Here’s a pro tip for you: try using VBA code! Use the following steps:

STEP 1: Open the VBA Editor: Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA Editor.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 2: Insert a New Module: In the VBA Editor, go to Insert > Module to create a new module.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 3: Enter the VBA Code: Copy and paste the following VBA code into the module:

Sub CreateMultipleCopies()
Dim i As Integer
Dim SheetToCopy As String
Dim NumberOfCopies As Integer
' Name of the sheet you want to copy
SheetToCopy = "1" ' Change this to your sheet's name
' Number of copies you want to create
NumberOfCopies = 10 ' Change this to the number of copies you need
For i = 1 To NumberOfCopies
Sheets(SheetToCopy).Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = SheetToCopy & " (" & i & ")"
Next i
End Sub

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 4: Close the VBA Editor.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 5: Run the VBA Code: Press Alt + F8, select CreateMultipleCopies, and click Run.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 6: Check the result.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

Explanation of the VBA Code

  • SheetToCopy = "Sheet1": Specifies the name of the sheet you want to duplicate. Change “Sheet1” to the actual name of your sheet.
  • NumberOfCopies = 10: Specifies the number of duplicates you want to create. Change 10 to the number of copies you need.
  • The For loop runs the copy command the specified number of times, creating duplicate sheets and naming them sequentially (e.g., “Sheet1 (1)”, “Sheet1 (2)”, etc.).

Using this method, you can quickly create multiple duplicate sheets, saving time and ensuring consistency across your workbook.


Expert Excel Shortcuts for Quick Duplication

Right-click and Drag Techniques

For those who like shortcuts, the right-click and dragging technique for sheet duplication is a total game-changer. You simply use the mouse to do the heavy lifting—literally! Here’s the gist:

STEP 1: Place your cursor over the sheet tab you want to duplicate.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 2: Press and hold the right mouse button and start dragging the tab left or right. As you drag, a tiny pop-up will show where the sheet will land when you release the mouse. Here’s the clincher: while still holding the tab, press and hold the ‘Ctrl’ key. You’ll notice a little ‘+’ sign appears on your cursor, signaling a duplicate is about to be made.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 3: Drag the tab to where you want the new sheet to be positioned and then let go of the mouse button before releasing the ‘Ctrl’ key.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

Like magic, you have a perfectly replicated sheet, with all your data, formatting, and formulas intact. And all with just a quick drag-and-release sequence!


Dealing with Special Cases

Copying Hidden Sheets to Another Workbook

Alright, if you’re dealing with hidden sheets and want to lift the veil and copy them over to another workbook, there’s a neat trick for that. Here’s how to conjure those concealed sheets into view and duplicate them without breaking a sweat.

First off, you’ve got to reveal those hidden gems. Let’s unhide these sheets.

STEP 1: Right-click on any sheet tab and select ‘Unhide’. A dialog box will pop up listing all hidden sheets.

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

STEP 2: Select the sheet you desire to unmask and click ‘OK’—there it is, back in plain sight!

How to Duplicate a Sheet in Excel

Now, it’s time for some duplication action in the ways mentioned before. It worked your magic and the copy is safely nestled in the new workbook, you can return the original sheet to its hidden sanctuary.



How do I quickly duplicate a sheet in Excel?

The swiftest way to duplicate a sheet in Excel is with the drag-and-drop method. Press and hold Ctrl, then click on the sheet tab you want to copy. Drag it to the desired location within the tab bar. When you see a small plus symbol, release the mouse button. Your duplicate sheet will appear right then and there. It’s crunch-time efficiency at its best!

Can I rename the copied worksheet?

Absolutely, you can rename that copied worksheet. Just right-click on the sheet tab and select “Rename” from the context menu that pops up. Then type in the new name you have in mind and hit Enter. Your sheet will sport its new name right away – easy-peasy!

Is there a way to duplicate a sheet across multiple workbooks at once?

Duplicating a sheet across multiple workbooks isn’t a one-click affair, but it can be done swiftly. Just replicate the sheet in one workbook using the ‘Move or Copy’ feature and then manually copy that duplicate to the other workbooks you’re targeting. At present, Excel requires you to repeat the duplication for each workbook, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be zipping through the task in no time.

How do I copy a sheet multiple times in Excel?

To copy a sheet multiple times in Excel, use the ‘Move or Copy‘ dialog. Right-click on the sheet tab, select ‘Move or Copy’, then in the dialog box, choose ‘Create a copy’ and select where to place the copy. For multiple copies, you’ll need to repeat these steps — there isn’t a built-in function to create several copies at once, but this method will keep your work flowing smoothly.

What if you need to copy data from an entire Excel worksheet?

If you need to copy every iota of data from an entire Excel worksheet, just use the ‘Move or Copy’ feature. Right-click on the worksheet’s tab, choose ‘Move or Copy’, tick the ‘Create a Copy’ checkbox, and select where the duplicate should go. This nifty feature clones your worksheet, lock, stock, and barrel, formulas, formatting and all. Your full-sheet duplication will be ready quicker than you can say “spreadsheet success”!

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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