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How to Multiply Percentages in Cells in Excel

John Michaloudis
When I first started using Excel to work with percentages, I quickly realized how often I needed to multiply them for various calculations.
Whether it’s for determining discounts, growth rates, or proportionate values, multiplying percentages is an essential skill that can simplify many tasks.

Let me walk you through how to multiply percentages in Excel.

When I first started using Excel to work with percentages, I quickly realized how often I needed to multiply them for various calculations. Whether it’s for determining discounts, growth rates, or proportionate values, multiplying percentages is an essential skill that can simplify many tasks. Let me walk you through how to multiply percentages in Excel.

Key Takeaways:

  • Percentages in Excel are decimal-based; 25% equals 0.25, and calculations rely on this conversion.
  • Proper formatting of cells ensures Excel interprets and calculates percentage values accurately.
  • Multiply percentages directly with formulas like =A2*B2, and format results as percentages when needed.
  • Common pitfalls, such as misformatted cells or incorrect inputs, can lead to errors but are easily avoidable.
  • Practical uses, like price adjustments or applying discounts, highlight the importance of mastering percentage calculations in Excel.


Establishing the Basics

Understanding Percentages in Excel

In Excel, percentages are more than just fractions of 100; they are a way of expressing decimal values in a visually intuitive format. For instance, 25% is represented as 0.25 in Excel, and this decimal-to-percentage relationship forms the foundation of all percentage-based calculations.

When Excel processes percentage calculations, it converts the percentage into its decimal equivalent behind the scenes. For example, when calculating 15% of a number, Excel multiplies the number by 0.15. This foundational understanding ensures accuracy and efficiency in your calculations.

Setting Up Excel for Percentage Calculations

Before diving into calculations, formatting your Excel sheet to handle percentages is essential. Without proper formatting, Excel might misinterpret your inputs or outputs, leading to errors. The following steps will prepare your worksheet for accurate percentage calculations.

STEP 1: Select the cells where you’ll input percentages and right-click the selected cells and choose “Format Cells” from the context menu.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

STEP 2: In the “Format Cells” dialog box, go to the “Number” tab, select “Percentage,” and set the desired number of decimal places.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

This step is particularly useful when dealing with complex percentage-based formulas.


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Multiply Percentages

Direct Multiplication of Percentages

If you have two percentages and you want to multiply them directly, here’s how I do it:

STEP 1: Type the first percentage (e.g., 25%) into cell A2 and the second percentage (e.g., 30%) into cell B2.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

STEP 2: In cell C2, enter the formula: =A2*B2.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

STEP 3: Press Enter.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

The result will show 8%. If you want the result to appear as a percentage, format the cell as a percentage by clicking the % button in the toolbar.


Multiplying a Percentage by a Number

Sometimes, I need to calculate a percentage of a specific value. For example, if I want to find 25% of 200:

STEP 1: Type 200 into cell A2 and 25% into cell B2.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

STEP 2: In cell C2, enter: =A2*B2.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

STEP 3: Press Enter.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

The result will be 50, which is 25% of 200.


Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

When working with percentages in Excel, it’s easy to make mistakes that lead to incorrect results. Understanding these pitfalls and how to avoid them ensures your calculations are accurate every time.

  • Decimals Instead of Percentages: If you see decimals like 0.25 instead of 25%, just format the cell as a percentage.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

  • Incorrect Results Due to Formatting: Sometimes, Excel might interpret your input incorrectly. To fix this, ensure that the percentage values are formatted properly before performing calculations.
  • Multiplying Without Converting to Percentages: If you’re using raw numbers (e.g., 25 and 30 instead of 0.25 and 0.30), divide each by 100 first or type them as percentages.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel


Practical Applications in Real-World Scenarios

Adjusting Prices with Percentage Increases or Decreases

Adjusting prices with percentage increases or decreases is part of routine business operations, from executing annual price updates to applying seasonal discounts. For instance, if I want to increase the price of a product by 7%, I use the formula =A2 * (1 + B2) where C2 contains the original price.

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

Applying a percentage decrease is just as straightforward—simply subtract the percentage from 1. So, to decrease the price by 10%, I use =A2 * (1 – B2).

How to Multiply Percentages in Excel

Accuracy in these calculations is critical since they directly affect profitability and customer pricing perceptions. By setting up a dedicated column for percentage adjustments and applying the appropriate formula across all product prices, analysts like myself can quickly evaluate the impact of price adjustments.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Multiply Multiple Cells by a Percentage at Once?

Yes, you can. To multiply multiple cells by the same percentage, you can enter the percentage in a single cell and use a formula to reference that cell across your calculations. For example, if you enter 10% in cell B1 and you want to multiply cells A1 through A5 by this percentage, you can enter the formula =A1*$B$1 in cell C1 and drag the formula down to C5. This multiplies each respective cell by the percentage stated in B1 simultaneously.

How Do I Convert My Result Back to a Percentage after Multiplication?

To convert a result back to a percentage after multiplication, right-click the resulting cell, select ‘Format Cells,’ choose the ‘Percentage’ format, and specify the number of decimal places you need. Excel will then display the result as a percentage. It’s essential when reading such figures to ensure they represent a meaningful proportionate value with respect to the whole or context.

How do you calculate 20% in Excel?

To calculate 20% in Excel, input the value in a cell, say A1, then use the formula =A1*0.2 in another cell. This will give you 20% of the value in A1. If your value is $200, for instance, Excel will display $40 as 20% of $200 once the formula is entered.

What do we think about percentage difference?

When we think about percentage differences, we’re primarily considering the relative change between two values. It measures how much one number is different from another as a proportion of one of the original numbers. For instance, if you’re comparing monthly expenses across two months, the percentage difference tells you how much your spending has increased or decreased relative to the previous month.

In practical terms in Excel, you calculate it by subtracting the old value from the new value, dividing by the old value, and then multiplying by 100 to get the percentage. Positive results represent an increase, while negative results represent a decrease.

How do you add a 5% increase in Excel?

To add a 5% increase to a value in Excel, you enter the original amount into a cell—let’s say A1—and in cell B1, you would add the increase by using the formula =A1*1.05. This applies a 5% increase directly to the value in A1. Excel will calculate and display the increased amount in B1, reflecting the original amount plus the additional 5%.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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