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How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel Fast

John Michaloudis
Hyperlinks in Excel can be useful, but sometimes they get in the way, especially when you're working with a large dataset or simply want to format your cells cleanly.
In this article, I’ll walk you through how to remove hyperlinks in Excel with just a few simple steps.
How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel Fast | MyExcelOnline How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel Fast | MyExcelOnline

Key Takeaways:

  • Managing Hyperlinks in Excel is crucial for avoiding distractions and maintaining clean data formatting.
  • Removing hyperlinks one by one is simple using the right-click menu and selecting “Remove Hyperlink.”
  • Bulk deletion of hyperlinks can save time by selecting multiple cells and using Excel’s “Clear” or “Remove Hyperlinks” option.
  • VBA code provides a customizable and efficient way to remove hyperlinks from entire sheets or workbooks.
  • Disabling automatic hyperlinking prevents Excel from creating unwanted links while typing or pasting URLs.


Introduction to Hyperlink Management in Excel

Understanding the Need for Hyperlink Control

In the realm of Excel spreadsheets, hyperlink control is paramount. Having hyperlinks can lead to a more interactive experience, making data dynamic as users can quickly access related information with a simple click.

Yet, there are times when hyperlinks become a nuisance—cluttering worksheets, risking unintended navigation, or causing confusion when analyzing data sets. Therefore, understanding how to manage hyperlinks, whether keeping, removing, or editing them, is vital for an orderly and efficient Excel experience.

The Challenges of Hyperlink Removal

Removing hyperlinks in Excel might seem straightforward at first, but it often throws up several challenges. Imagine working with a spreadsheet teeming with hyperlinks, each one leading to an external report or webpage.

Clicking on them by accident could become distracting, especially if it happens repeatedly. Also, attempting to remove these links one by one can be a time-consuming task that’s prone to human error. This is not to mention the struggle of maintaining the original format of the data once the hyperlinks are gone.

Mastering the quick removal of these hyperlinks can save us from a good deal of frustration and allow us to focus on the more critical aspects of data analysis.


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Remove Hyperlinks

Quick Removal Methods for Individual Links

When I want to remove an individual hyperlink quickly in Excel, I find the right-click menu to be the most straightforward approach. First, I open my spreadsheet and locate the cell with the undesirable link. Then, with a simple right-click on the cell, a menu pops up where I select “Remove Hyperlink.”

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

Just like that, the link vanishes, leaving the displayed text intact. It’s a breeze to execute and immediately effective, perfect for when I need to remove links one by one without causing any disruption to the rest of my data.

Bulk Deletion Techniques for Efficiency

For those times when I need to expunge multiple hyperlinks from a spreadsheet, there are bulk deletion techniques that can save loads of time. Here’s one that I find particularly efficient:

  • I start by selecting the range of cells that includes all the hyperlinks I wish to remove. If the hyperlinks are scattered throughout the worksheet, I press ‘Ctrl’ and click each cell I need to select.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

  • Then, I right-click on the selected area, and from the context menu, I choose ‘Remove Hyperlinks’. Excel then eliminates all hyperlinks within the selected range in one go.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

Another method involves using the ‘Clear’ feature:

STEP 1: I select the cells with hyperlinks.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 2: I head to the ‘Home’ tab, click on ‘Editing’, and then on ‘Clear’.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 3: By choosing ‘Remove Hyperlinks’, Excel removes all hyperlinks in the selected cells, while keeping the text.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

These techniques prove to be effective when dealing with large datasets, ensuring a hyperlink-free spreadsheet without breaking a sweat.


Advanced Tools and Shortcuts for Power Users

Writing VBA Code for Custom Hyperlink Management

When the standard Excel tools are just shy of what’s needed for hyperlink management, writing VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code becomes a powerful alternative. I can tailor-make a script to remove all hyperlinks from either the active sheet or the entire workbook. Here’s how I proceed with this approach:

STEP 1: To get started, I press “Alt + F11,” which thrusts me into the Excel VBA editor.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 2: From there, I click on “Insert” and then “Module” to create a space where I can enter my code.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 3: For removing hyperlinks from the workbook, I paste:

Sub RemoveHyperlinksWorkbook()<br />
Dim ws As Worksheet<br />
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets<br />
ws.Hyperlinks.Delete<br />
Next ws<br />
End Sub

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 4: To run my chosen code, I press “F5” or click the “Run” button.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

Remember, before closing the editor, save the workbook as a Macro-Enabled Workbook (.xlsm extension) to preserve the script for future use.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

VBA coding offers precise control and customization for hyperlink management—a true boon for anyone dealing with large, dynamic datasets.


Avoiding Unwanted Hyperlinks in Your Worksheets

Disabling Excel’s Automatic Hyperlink Feature

Turning off Excel’s automatic hyperlink feature is a proactive measure to prevent the hassle of having to remove links later. To stop Excel from converting URL-like text to clickable links on the fly, I follow a few simple steps:

STEP 1: I navigate to the “File” tab at the top of my workbook and click “Options” at the bottom of the side bar.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 2: In the “Excel Options” window that appears, I select “Proofing” from the side menu. Then, I click on the “AutoCorrect Options” button to open its dialog box.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 3: In the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab, I look for and uncheck the checkbox labeled “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks.” I click “OK” to apply the changes and close out of the dialogs.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

By disabling this feature, I prevent Excel from applying hyperlink formatting to my data unless I explicitly do so myself. It’s a fuss-free way to keep my sheets neat and controlled.

Pasting Content Without Generating Hyperlinks

If I want to paste URLs into Excel without the program turning them into hyperlinks, there’s an easy workaround that spares me the effort of having to remove them later:

STEP 1: I first copy the URL I wish to paste.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

STEP 2: I then right-click the intended cell in Excel and from the context menu, I hover over “Paste Special.” In the submenu, I select the “Value” option.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

Alternatively, on the “Home” tab in the Ribbon, I can click the lower part of the “Paste” button to reveal a menu with the option to “Paste as Values,” which performs similarly.

How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

Either method allows me to deposit my URLs as plain text, ensuring that they remain inactive without any hyperlink formatting. It’s a straightforward solution to a common annoyance when working with web addresses in Excel.


Tips and Tricks to Enhance Productivity

Keyboard Shortcuts for Managing Hyperlinks

As someone who prefers efficiency and speed, I find keyboard shortcuts invaluable for managing hyperlinks in Excel. To insert a hyperlink, the shortcut “Ctrl + K” can be used, which brings up the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box instantly. For removal, selecting the cell with the hyperlink and pressing “Ctrl + 6” toggles the display of objects, including hyperlinks, enabling a quick removal option by then simply hitting the “Delete” key.

These shortcuts prove to be fundamental timesavers, streamlining the process and allowing for swift management of hyperlinks, so we can focus on what’s important without distractions.


FAQs About Hyperlinks in Excel

What is a hyperlink in Excel?

A hyperlink in Excel is a convenient shortcut that allows you to jump to another location within your workbook, open a document stored on your network, or navigate to a webpage simply by clicking on it. It transforms a cell into an interactive element, enhancing the user’s ability to connect to additional information seamlessly.

How do I remove an existing link in Excel?

To remove an existing hyperlink in Excel, right-click on the cell containing the link and select “Remove Hyperlink” from the context menu. If you have multiple hyperlinks, you can select them all and right-click to remove them in one action. For a more comprehensive removal, use the “Edit Links” feature found under the “Data” tab.

Can I prevent Excel from automatically creating hyperlinks?

Yes, you can prevent Excel from automatically creating hyperlinks. Go to the “File” tab, click “Options,” then “Proofing,” and click on “AutoCorrect Options.” Under the “AutoFormat As You Type” tab, uncheck the “Internet and network paths with hyperlinks” option. Click “OK” to save your settings.

How can I remove hyperlinks without affecting cell formatting?

To remove hyperlinks without affecting cell formatting, select the cells, go to the ‘Home’ tab, click on ‘Clear’ in the ‘Editing’ group, and then choose ‘Clear Hyperlinks’. This will clear the hyperlinks while keeping all other formatting intact.

How do I remove all hyperlinks?

To remove all hyperlinks in an Excel worksheet, press “Ctrl + A” to select all cells, right-click, and choose “Remove Hyperlinks”. This action deletes every hyperlink in your worksheet simultaneously, streamlining the process and ensuring a clean slate.

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John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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