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How to Complete List of State Abbreviations in Excel

John Michaloudis
When I first started working with state abbreviations in Excel, I found it a bit challenging.
But over time, I've learned some effective methods and tricks that have made this process much smoother.

Whether you’re dealing with data analysis, creating reports, or just managing lists, handling list of state abbreviations correctly can save you a lot of time and hassle.

In this article, I'll walk you through the steps and share some tips on how to manage state abbreviations efficiently in Excel.

When I first started working with state abbreviations in Excel, I found it a bit challenging. But over time, I’ve learned some effective methods and tricks that have made this process much smoother. Whether you’re dealing with data analysis, creating reports, or just managing lists, handling list of state abbreviations correctly can save you a lot of time and hassle. In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps and share some tips on how to manage state abbreviations efficiently in Excel.

Key Takeaways:

  • Creating Lookup Tables: Establish a two-column lookup table with state names and their corresponding abbreviations to simplify conversions using the VLOOKUP function.
  • Converting Abbreviations: Use the INDEX and MATCH functions to convert state abbreviations back to full state names accurately.
  • Named Ranges: Define and use named ranges to keep formulas clean and easier to manage.
  • Data Validation: Implement data validation to ensure that only valid state abbreviations are entered, reducing errors and maintaining consistency.
  • Advanced Tips: Utilize conditional formatting to flag invalid entries and the UPPER function to standardize state abbreviations to uppercase for consistency.


Getting Started with State Abbreviations

One of the most common tasks is converting state names to their abbreviations or vice versa. Here’s how I approach this:

Converting State Names to Abbreviations

To convert state names to their abbreviations, I use a simple lookup table. Here’s what I do:

STEP 1: Create a Lookup Table: First, I create a two-column table with state names in one column and their abbreviations in the adjacent column.

For example, list the full state names (A column) and their corresponding abbreviations (B column).

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

STEP 2: Use the VLOOKUP Function: To convert the state names to abbreviations, I use the VLOOKUP function. Here’s the formula I use:

=VLOOKUP(B2, Sheet1!A:B, 2,0)

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

In this formula, B2 is the cell containing the state name I want to convert, A:B is the range of the lookup table, 2 indicates the second column of the table (which contains the abbreviations), and 0 ensures an exact match.

Converting Abbreviations to State Names

For converting abbreviations back to full state names, I use the Index Match formula in Excel. Follow the steps below to know how –

STEP 1: Enter the INDEX formula and the first argument of the INDEX formula – array.


List of State Abbreviations in Excel

STEP 2: Enter the MATCH function


List of State Abbreviations in Excel

STEP 3: Enter the arguments –

  • First argument of the MATCH function – lookup_value. Here, it is the abbreviation mentioned in cell B2.
  • Second argument of the MATCH function – lookup_array. Here, it is the column containing the list of abbreviations i.e. B:B.
  • Third arguemnt of the MATCH function – match_type. Here, it is 0 for an exact match.


List of State Abbreviations in Excel

STEP 4: Enter the row number. Here, it is 1.


List of State Abbreviations in Excel


Advanced Techniques

Using Named Ranges

To make my formulas cleaner and easier to manage, I often use named ranges. Here’s how I do it:

STEP 1: Define Named Ranges: I select my lookup table range (e.g., $A$1:$B$52) and assign it a name like “StateLookup.”

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

STEP 2: Update Formulas: I then update my VLOOKUP formulas to use this named range:

=VLOOKUP(B2, StateLookup, 2, FALSE)

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

Data Validation for State Abbreviations

When entering state abbreviations, I like to use data validation to ensure accuracy. Here’s my method:

STEP 1: Select the Cell Range: I select the cells where I want to enter state abbreviations.

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

STEP 2: Set Up Data Validation: I go to Data > Data Validation and choose List from the Allow drop-down menu.

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

STEP 3: Enter the Source: I enter the range containing my state abbreviations (e.g., $B$2:$B$52). This way, users can only enter valid state abbreviations.

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

The abbreviation will be displayed in the list.

List of State Abbreviations in Excel

Tips and Tricks

  • Conditional Formatting: I use conditional formatting to highlight any invalid entries. For example, if an abbreviation entered does not match any in my lookup table, I use conditional formatting to flag it.
  • Case Sensitivity: I often use the UPPER function to ensure all state abbreviations are in uppercase, which helps maintain consistency: =UPPER(C2)
  • Adding New States: If I need to add new states or territories, I update my lookup table and named ranges accordingly.


Working with state abbreviations in Excel doesn’t have to be complicated. By setting up a reliable lookup table, using functions like VLOOKUP, and implementing data validation, I can manage state data effectively and efficiently. These techniques have saved me a lot of time and reduced errors in my spreadsheets. I hope these tips help you as much as they’ve helped me!


FAQs on US State Abbreviations for Excel

Is there an Excel formula for state abbreviations?

Yes, there is an Excel formula to convert state abbreviations to full names. You can use the VLOOKUP or XLOOKUP function alongside a lookup table that lists abbreviations and their corresponding full states. For instance, =VLOOKUP(A2, $D$1:$E$51, 2, FALSE) retrieves full state names based on abbreviations in column A. With XLOOKUP, use =XLOOKUP(A2, $D$1:$D$51, $E$1:$E$51, "Not Found") for a more flexible search.

What are the advantages of using two-letter state abbreviations?

Two-letter state abbreviations streamline data entry, save space, and simplify sorting and filtering tasks in databases. They provide uniformity, which is particularly helpful for postal services and standardized reporting. Using these concise codes also reduces the chance of spelling errors and misinterpretation, ensuring data integrity.

How can I ensure my data is up-to-date with current state abbreviations?

To keep your data up-to-date with current state abbreviations, periodically check for updates from a reliable source such as the United States Postal Service (USPS). You can also set reminders to validate your abbreviation list against official records, ensuring any changes or additions are promptly reflected in your data.

Are there any exceptions to the two-letter abbreviation rule for states and territories?

Yes, there are exceptions to the two-letter abbreviation rule. Eight states, due to their short names, are never abbreviated in text: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas, and Utah. Territories and commonwealths like Puerto Rico and Guam also have two-letter abbreviations, despite not being states.

How do I find abbreviations in Excel?

To find abbreviations in Excel, use the ‘Find’ function (Ctrl+F). Enter the abbreviation or full name you’re looking for in the search field. If dealing with a list of abbreviations, you can use filters to display only specific abbreviations or apply conditional formatting to highlight them.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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