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Microsoft Excel Training | Free Excel Online Training Courses

John Michaloudis
MyExcelOnline aims at providing Microsoft Excel Training to all Excel users and levels via an all-in-one platform that includes various online courses.

MyExcelOnline aims at providing Microsoft Excel Training to all Excel users and levels via an all-in-one platform that includes various online courses.

Our objective is to help users learn and master Excel skills that are needed to stand out from the crowd. Whether you are an Excel Beginner, Intermediate or an Expert, our Excel classes online are designed to help increase your professional development & enhance your Excel level.

Excel is one of the most vital skills in most of the workplaces and being efficient at it can be beneficial for both you and your team. It can help you achieve greater job opportunities, a promotion and even a higher salary!

Our Microsoft Excel Training & Free Excel Online Training Courses are divided into the following 5 broad categories:



1.The 4 Step Framework to ADVANCE Your Excel Level within 30 DAYS!

Microsoft Excel Training | Free Excel Online Training Courses

This framework is not just a bunch of “theory.” It’s all been tested and proven to work by me and THOUSANDS of my students.​


  • The top 3 mistakes EVERYBODY makes when using Excel and why they are STOPPING you from ADVANCING your Excel level!
  • The #1 SECRET that I used to quickly ADVANCE my Excel skills!
  • My 4 step framework for ADVANCING your Excel level and one that will make you STAND OUT from the crowd and INCREASE your chances of getting a new job, promotion, or pay rise!


Click here to check the availability of this Free Excel Webinar!


2. Formula Microsoft Excel Training

Microsoft Excel Training

In this Free Microsoft Excel Training, we will teach you the must-know & most popular formulas and functions available in Excel.

The Excel Formulas & Functions will be explained elaborately through the application of real-life business situations through exercises. These Excel classes online will not only help you get work done faster but also eliminate stress and get automated error-free results!

In this Free Microsoft Excel Training on Excel Formulas & Functions you will learn:

  • How to use Excel Functions like IF, VLOOKUP, SUMIF, etc that will make you look like an Excel Expert within minutes!
  • Most Popular Excel Functions available in Excel that will make you NOTICED By Your SUPERIORS and are also frequently asked during interviews.
  • Tips used by Excel MVPs and Experts to save hours per day, so you can go home early for once.
  • FREE Practice Workbooks and PDF Cheat Sheet will be provided in this Free Excel training!



free excel formulas and functions training

I can now say with confidence that I KNOW how to use formulas in Excel!

– Erik, Management Accountant


free excel formulas and functions training

Easy to follow along and apply the formulas in the workbook supplied.

– Dawn, Finance Analyst



So, hurry up! Register now for this Free Microsoft Excel Training before the seats are gone.



3. Pivot Tables Microsoft Excel Training

Microsoft Excel Training

This Free Microsoft Excel Training will introduce & explain in detail the most powerful but underused tool in Microsoft Excel – Pivot Tables.

Excel Pivot Tables helps you summarize a large chunk of data within minutes and with drag & drop ease. It is used by Project Managers, Finance Analysts, Auditors, Cost Controllers, Sales Analysts, Financial Controllers, Information Technology, Human Resources, Accountants and Statisticians, just to name a few.

You would be surprised at how powerful Excel Pivot Tables are!

In this Free Microsoft Excel Training on Excel Pivot Tables you will learn:

  • The must-know Excel Pivot Table tips & tricks that will make you an Excel analytical PRO.
  • How to analyze tons of data with just a few mouse clicks, display the result in an easy to read table format, and become an Analytical GURU.
  • Create Interactive Dashboards that will wow your boss and get you noticed by your top management.




Free Excel Pivot Table Training

I was so scared of Pivot tables but WOW, this webinar has just floored me with what can be done!

– Chris, Manager – FP & Analysis 


Free Excel Pivot Table Training

Thanks John, you’ve changed the way I use Excel for ever!

– Roberta, Accountant



So, hurry up! Register now for this Free Microsoft Excel Training before the seats are gone.




4. Marcos and VBA Microsoft Excel Training

Free Microsoft Excel Training VBA


This Free Microsoft Excel Training will introduce & explain in detail how to automate your repetitive daily Excel tasks using Macros & VBA that will SAVE YOU HOURS each day!

Excel Macros & VBA is a must-know feature if you want to enhance your Excel skills and level.

In this Free Microsoft Excel Training you will learn:

  • How to record a Macro and create interactive buttons to run it!
  • Automate a boring and repetitive task with just a click of a button and save both time and money.
  • Tips to memorize the macro and VBA code that will make you Excel Expert within minutes!
  • Receive a FREE BONUS Macros & VBA Cheat Sheet when you sign up.




Free Excel Macros & VBA Training

The instructor got right into creating the macro. And he started off with something simple, so I can grasp how powerful macros could be.

– Alex, Finance Manager


Free Excel Macros & VBA Training

I’ve always thought of macros as tricky and complex, but they seem really simple and may make my life easier!

– Angela, Admin & Support



So, hurry up! Register now for this FREE Microsoft Excel Training.





5. Power Query Microsoft Excel Training

Microsoft Excel Training


In this Free Microsoft Excel Training, we will unveil a brilliant built-in feature in Excel called – Power Query (Get & Transform)!

Power Query can be used to clean & transform messy data and automate your reports within minutes.

The best thing is that you can reapply the same transformation steps in just ONE single click, saving you HOURS! So next week when you get the same report with updated data, a simple REFRESH will transform your data once again!

In this Free Microsoft Excel Training you will learn how to:

  • 3 ways to QUICKLY transform your data (without VLOOKUP) into AWESOME REPORTS that will make you look like an Excel EXPERT within MINUTES!
  • How to CONSOLIDATE DATA from multiple sources that will WOW your boss and get you NOTICED by top management!
  • Plus learn how to use Data Models, Unpivot, Parse Text, Consolidate Reports & MORE!




OMG, thanks for making my life so easy with this webinar. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with everyone
– Cath


If only I knew this last month. I would have been the hero in my office!
– Susan



So, hurry up! Register now for this FREE Microsoft Excel Training.




6. MyExcelOnline Academy Online Excel Course 

Microsoft Excel Training | Free Excel Online Training Courses
If you often search on Google and YouTube to find answers to your Excel problems, you’ve probably wished for a more comprehensive, reliable, and up-to-date source of answers.

You have come to the right place!

The MyExcelOnline Academy is an online Excel course for people who want to upgrade their Excel skills & level. There’s a library of 1,000+ video tutorials (each just 3 minutes long) plus online support from our team of Microsoft Certified Trainers.

You can dip into the Microsoft Excel Training to tackle a particular problem, or follow our three Excel classes online (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced) – or do a mixture of both.

These online Excel classes cover ALL the Excel features like Formulas, Macros, VBA, Pivot Tables, Power BI, Power Query, Power Pivot, Dashboards, Charts, PLUS Microsoft Office courses like Access, Word, Teams, OneNote PowerPoint, and Outlook!

Join 2,000+ professionals today, just like you, who are taking this online Excel course and advancing their Excel skills, saving hours each day, and improving their professional development to achieve greater job opportunities & a higher salary!


It really saved me tons of time and my financials were done within a week and a half versus a month! Just do it!

Book Keeper & Office Manager



Subscribing with the MyExcelOnline Academy not only taught me Excel but it also taught me what are the hidden treasures inside Excel that you need to learn. It saves you a lot of time and you progress very quickly!




Click here to read the full Excel classes online curriculum, watch a few sample tutorials and read our awesome student testimonials:




There is a lot of Free Microsoft Excel Training available on the internet today but these do not offer a structured learning environment, teacher support, practice workbooks, knowledge quizzes & assignments or Certificates of Completion so you can put on your CV or LinkedIn profile!

Learning Microsoft Excel using Google or YouTube is a quick band-aid fix and your Excel knowledge, skills and level will plateau and you will never reach the next level.

If you want to accelerate your Excel knowledge, skills, and level, then taking Microsoft Excel Training with Excel classes online is the best and only way to enhance your professional development, be Excel confident so you can get the promotions, a new job, or a pay rise that you deserve!

Join the MyExcelOnline Academy online course now before enrollment closes!


Click here to Learn Excel Online by going through the tutorials provided by Microsoft.


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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  How to use Excel LET function

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