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How to Use Not Equal To, Greater/Less Than Operators in Excel – Step by Step Guide

John Michaloudis
When working with data in Excel, mastering comparison operators is essential.
They are the backbone of logical tests and can make your spreadsheets smarter and more dynamic.

Today, I’ll walk you through how to use three key comparison operators: Not Equal To (<>), Greater Than (>), and Less Than (<).

When working with data in Excel, mastering comparison operators is essential. They are the backbone of logical tests and can make your spreadsheets smarter and more dynamic. Today, I’ll walk you through how to use three key comparison operators: Not Equal To (<>), Greater Than (>), and Less Than (<).

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of these operators and how to use them effectively in your Excel formulas.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excel comparison operators like <>, >, <, >=, and <= allow you to analyze data by defining conditions.
  • The <> operator is perfect for finding discrepancies and ensuring data integrity.
  • Operators can visually highlight deviations, helping in tasks like project tracking or budget monitoring.
  • Inclusive operators like >= and <= are essential for setting thresholds and boundaries.
  • Ensuring consistent data types and testing formulas across datasets can prevent formula missteps.


Introduction to Excel Comparison Operators

Unlocking the Power of Excel for Data Analysis

Excel is an indispensable tool for those of us who delve into data analysis, providing an impressive array of features that allow us to manipulate, analyze, and visualize data efficiently. At the heart of many Excel functions are the comparison operators, which enable us to sift through and make sense of large datasets by setting up specific criteria.

The Vital Role of Comparison Operators in Excel Formulas

Comparison operators are pivotal in Excel formulas because they establish the foundation for decision-making processes within spreadsheets. Filtering, sorting, validating data, and performing what-if analysis are only a few tasks made possible by these logical tools. By using comparison operators, we can instruct Excel to act only when certain conditions are met, thereby streamlining data manipulation and facilitating more accurate outcomes.


Diving into “Not Equal To” in Excel

Understanding the “<>” Operator

The “<>” operator is Excel’s way of denoting ‘not equal to.’ At first glance, it might seem peculiar — a combination of the less than and greater than symbols. However, its logic is straightforward: if the values on either side are different, it returns TRUE; if they’re the same, it returns FALSE. It’s an assertion of inequality, allowing us to identify and act upon dissimilarities within our datasets.

Consider this simple Excel formula: =10<>9. Its output is TRUE because, indeed, 10 is not equal to 9.

not equal to in excel

This operator becomes incredibly useful when sorting through data, checking for uniqueness, or ensuring certain conditions are not met.

Practical Scenarios Where “Not Equal To” Shines

In practice, the “Not Equal To” operator helps us find discrepancies between columns, remove duplicate entries, and filter unique records in a dataset. For instance, imagine you’re comparing hours worked by employess in two different teams from two stores to identify discrepancies. By employing “=B2<>C2”, we can quickly flag any differences.

not equal to in excel

Another common scenario is to use “Not Equal To” in conditional formatting rules. This can visually highlight when a target value hasn’t been met, such as when tracking project deliverables or ensuring data entries conform to a required standard.

not equal to in excel

Lastly, it’s invaluable in data validation by enforcing that a particular cell entry is not repeated elsewhere, thus preserving data integrity.


Breaking Down Greater Than and Less Than Operators

How “>” Influences Data Sorting and Conditions

The greater than symbol “>” is a gateway to comprehensively managing data sorting and setting conditions. In Excel, when we employ this operator, we’re often looking to segment data by a specific threshold or prioritize certain numerical values. By applying a filter with “>”, we can instantaneously reveal all the data points that exceed our defined limit, refining our analysis to focus on higher values.

When assessing data trends, for instance, we might want to examine all sales figures that are above a certain goal. By utilizing the formula =IF(A2>target, "Above Target", "Below Target"), we can effectively categorize our data based on the predefined ‘target’.

not equal to in excel

Moreover, the operator “>” is integral when crafting custom sorting rules that move beyond the standard ascending or descending order, allowing for a more nuanced data organization.

Unleashing the Potential of “<” in Datasets

The less than operator “<” opens up a realm of possibilities for analyzing and managing datasets that require attention to lesser values. It’s the go-to when identifying items or figures that fall below a certain criterion, crucial for tasks like budgeting, where limiting overspends is necessary, or for flagging underperformance against benchmarks.

For example, if we need to isolate all transactions smaller than a specific amount within a financial report, the “<” operator allows us to swiftly locate these by setting the appropriate formula — =A2<B2. Extended to conditional formatting, “<” can automatically color-code cells that represent a deficit, enabling easier visual segmentation.

not equal to in excel

In essence, “<” becomes a powerful filter to focus our analyses on data segments where reduction or minimization is the key concern, providing clarity on areas that may demand immediate action or investigation.


Combining Greater/Less Than with “Equal To

Deciphering “>=” and “<=” for Comprehensive Comparisons

Greater than or equal to (“>=”) and less than or equal to (“<=”) operators are sophisticated tools that broaden the scope of our comparisons to include boundary values. When using “>=”, you’re checking for values that are either greater than or precisely equal to a certain reference point. Conversely, “<=” does the same for lesser values.

These operators are especially crucial when dealing with inclusive ranges. Suppose you’re tasked to evaluate test scores within a specific percentile range. The formula =IF(A2>=90, "Top 10%", "Others") would help you identify the top performers, including those who scored exactly 90.

not equal to in excel

Similarly, if you’re working with budget constraints, =SUM(B2:B10)<=5000 could ensure that the total expenditure does not exceed the limit.

not equal to in excel

In forecasting, age bracketing, or defining tolerance levels in quality control, these inclusive comparison operators ensure no critical data points are unintentionally excluded from our analysis.

When to Use These Operators for Enhanced Accuracy

Using greater than or equal to (“>=”) and less than or equal to (“<=”) becomes beneficial when precision is crucial, as in setting thresholds or boundaries. For scenarios where exact cutoff points are vital, such as determining eligibility for a program or promotion, ensuring compliance with legal or regulatory standards, or creating precise segments in market analysis, these inclusive operators guarantee that our conditions are accurate to the figure specified, not a decimal more or less.

When developing financial models or budget forecasts, rounding errors or slight miscalculations can lead to significant impacts. Here, “>=” and “<=” ensure that your models account for these edge cases effectively. The enhanced accuracy they provide also plays a crucial role in scripting automated processes, ensuring that conditional triggers are based on complete data ranges, thus avoiding erroneous exclusions or inclusions.


Expert Insights: Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Avoiding Errors in Formulas with Comparison Operators

Avoiding errors when employing comparison operators in Excel formulas means being attentive to the details. One of the primary pitfalls to watch out for is data type inconsistencies. A common mistake is comparing different data types, like text and numbers, which often leads to inaccurate results or error messages.

To prevent this, we must ensure that data is formatted consistently before applying our formulas. Also, when comparing text strings, being mindful of case sensitivity and white spaces is crucial as Excel may consider “TEXT” and “text” as different entries unless specified otherwise.

Another recommended best practice is to use parentheses to clearly define the order of operations in complex formulas. This minimizes the risk of Excel misinterpreting the logical structure of the formula, thereby eliminating a common source of errors.

Lastly, always test formulas across a range of representative data to confirm their accuracy, particularly when working with greater than (“”) and less than (“”).

Maximizing Productivity with Keyboard Shortcuts for Operators

Maximizing productivity in Excel often hinges on speed and efficiency, and becoming adept with keyboard shortcuts for operators can make a significant difference. For regular Excel users, knowing that you can type “+” for addition, “-” for subtraction, “*” for multiplication, and “/” for division without reaching for the mouse can be a real time-saver.

For comparative operations, the greater than (“>”) and less than (“<“) signs are directly accessible on the keyboard, streamlining the process of setting up conditions or filters. Though “not equal to” (“<>”) and the other comparison operators don’t have dedicated keys, familiarizing ourselves with their quick input combinations facilitates rapid formula creation.

Incorporating keyboard shortcuts not only accelerates our workflow but also allows us to maintain focus on the data analysis without frequent context switching between keyboard and mouse, leading to a more fluid interaction with Excel as we carve through our calculations.


FAQ: Mastering Excel Operators with Confidence

1. What does the <> operator do in Excel?

The <> operator is used to test for inequality between two values in Excel. If the values on either side of the operator are not equal, the result will be TRUE. Conversely, if the values are equal, the result will be FALSE. This operator is especially useful for finding discrepancies, such as mismatched entries in two columns or identifying rows that don’t meet a specific condition.

2. How can I use comparison operators in formulas?

Comparison operators can be combined with functions like IF, SUMIF, or COUNTIF to evaluate conditions and execute specific actions. For example, the formula =IF(A1>B1, "Higher", "Lower") checks whether the value in A1 is greater than B1 and returns “Higher” or “Lower” accordingly. These operators help you classify data, identify trends, or automate logical decisions in your analysis. They are powerful tools for creating dynamic and responsive spreadsheets.

3. Can comparison operators be used with text data?

Yes, comparison operators can work with text data, making them versatile for tasks like checking for unique entries or validating inputs. For example, =A1<>B1 will return TRUE if the text in A1 is different from B1, even if the difference is subtle, like case sensitivity or extra spaces. However, it’s important to be aware that Excel treats “Text” and “TEXT” as unequal unless functions like LOWER or UPPER are used to standardize the case. This feature is particularly helpful for comparing lists, ensuring no duplicate entries, or identifying mismatched records.

4. What are common errors when using these operators?

One common error is comparing data of different types, such as numbers with text, which can lead to incorrect results or error messages. For instance, comparing “5” (text) with 5 (number) won’t work unless the data types are consistent. Another issue arises with text comparisons, where extra spaces or case differences can cause mismatches. To avoid these errors, ensure your data is clean and formatted uniformly, and test formulas on sample data to confirm accuracy.

5. How can I highlight discrepancies using these operators?

You can highlight discrepancies by combining comparison operators with Excel’s conditional formatting feature. For example, you could apply a formula like =A1<>B1 to a range, which will format cells where the values in column A and B differ. This is particularly useful for visually identifying errors, mismatches, or values that don’t meet certain criteria. It’s an effective way to streamline reviews in large datasets and focus on rows or cells requiring attention.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  INDIRECT Function in Excel

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