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The Ultimate Guide to Create All Possible Number Combinations in Excel

John Michaloudis
Excel is my go-to tool for data analysis, with its wide range of functions simplifying everything from number crunching to complex calculations.
One powerful yet lesser-known feature is its ability to calculate combinations.

If you need to generate combinations where the order doesn’t matter, Excel’s COMBIN function is a huge time-saver.
The Ultimate Guide to Create All Possible Number Combinations in Excel | MyExcelOnline The Ultimate Guide to Create All Possible Number Combinations in Excel | MyExcelOnline

In this article, I’ll show you how to use the COMBIN function to generate combinations from a set of numbers, and we’ll also explore how to list the combinations using VBA.

Key Takeaways:

  • In combinations, the order of items doesn’t matter, unlike permutations, making selections unique by their content, not sequence.
  • Excel’s COMBIN function calculates the number of ways to choose a subset from a larger set, requiring only two inputs—the total number of items and the number selected.
  • Using the COMBIN function is simple—just input =COMBIN(n, k) to calculate how many combinations are possible from a set of numbers.
  • For more complex combination generation, VBA allows users to define criteria and generate lists of combinations tailored to specific needs.
  • Combinations are useful in tasks like team assignments, market analysis, lottery predictions, and statistical analysis, helping to explore different possibilities efficiently.


Introduction to Combination of a Set of Numbers

What is a Combination?

Before diving into Excel, let’s quickly define what a combination is. A combination is a selection of items from a larger set where the order of the items does not matter. For instance, in a set of {1, 2, 3}, the combinations of two numbers would be: {1, 2}, {1, 3} and {2, 3}.

As you can see, order is irrelevant, so {1, 2} is the same as {2, 1}.

What is the COMBIN Function?

The COMBIN function in Excel calculates the number of possible combinations for a given number of items from a larger set. It doesn’t list out the combinations themselves, but it tells you how many different ways you can choose a subset of items from the total set.

=COMBIN(total_items, items_chosen)

  • total_items: The total number of items in the set.
  • items_chosen: The number of items you want to choose in each combination.


Diving Into Excel’s Dynamic Duo: Formulas and VBA

Calculating Combinations using COMBIN

For those taking their first steps in Excel and wanting to create number combinations, rest assured, it’s less complicated than it might seem. We’ll begin with the COMBIN function—a straightforward formula that requires two pieces of information: the total number of items and the number of items to select.

Suppose you’re organizing a raffle and need to know how many two-number combinations can be drawn from a set of 5 numbers. You would simply enter =COMBIN(5,2) into a cell, and voilà, Excel does the math for you.

Let’s break it down:

STEP 1: Open a new Excel sheet and click on a cell where you want the result.

Combinations in Excel

STEP 2: Enter =COMBIN(n, k), where n is your total set and k is the chosen subset.

Combinations in Excel

STEP 3: Press ‘Enter’, and see the magic unfold.

Combinations in Excel

Remember, this beginner-friendly approach lays the groundwork for delving into more intricate Excel formulas, giving you a solid starting point for your combination calculations.

Advanced Users: Crafting Complex Combinations with VBA

As we delve deeper into Excel’s capabilities, crafting complex number combinations becomes a breeze for advanced users with VBA. Whether we’re dealing with permutations, varying combination lengths, or specific criteria, VBA provides the precision and customization that formulas alone cannot.

Here’s a snapshot of how to get started:

STEP 1: Hit ‘ALT’ + ‘F11’ to open the Visual Basic for Applications editor.

Combinations in Excel

STEP 2: Insert a new module via the ‘Insert’ menu.

Combinations in Excel

STEP 3: Write your VBA code to define the parameters for your combinations.

Sub GenerateCombinations()<br />
Dim numbers As Variant<br />
Dim combArray() As Variant<br />
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer<br />
Dim combIndex As Integer<br />
Dim outputRow As Integer<br />
numbers = Array(1, 2, 3, 4) ' Set your set of numbers here<br />
outputRow = 1<br />
For i = 0 To UBound(numbers) - 1<br />
For j = i + 1 To UBound(numbers)<br />
Cells(outputRow, 1).Value = numbers(i)<br />
Cells(outputRow, 2).Value = numbers(j)<br />
outputRow = outputRow + 1<br />
Next j<br />
Next i<br />
End Sub

Combinations in Excel

STEP 4: Run your macro.

Combinations in Excel

Find a neatly generated list of every possible number combo that fits your unique criteria in your Excel worksheet.

Combinations in Excel

Through this advanced approach, we harness the full might of Excel, transcending basic functions and embracing a tailored algorithmic methodology.

Remember, with complexity comes the need for a meticulous eye; testing and revisiting your code is crucial in ensuring accuracy and efficiency in your combination outputs.


Securing Your Success with Hands-On Examples

Real-World Use Cases for Combinations

I often use combinations when analyzing different possibilities from a set of options. Here are a few real-world examples where generating combinations is incredibly useful:

  • Team Assignments: If I need to assign team members to different project groups and I want to explore all possible groupings, combinations make this process easier.
  • Market Basket Analysis: In retail, combinations are used to analyze which products are bought together. For example, I can analyze different combinations of products that customers frequently purchase.
  • Lottery and Gambling Analysis: Many people use combinations when analyzing lottery numbers or betting odds. The ability to quickly calculate and list all possible combinations is invaluable.
  • Statistical Analysis: In statistics, combinations are used when calculating probabilities. For example, if I’m calculating the probability of selecting a specific combination of items from a larger set, Excel’s combination functions make it much simpler.


FAQs about Excel Number Combinations

What is the combin function?

The COMBIN function in Excel is a formula under the Math & Trigonometry category. It calculates the number of ways to choose a subset of items from a larger set, without considering the order. In other words, it determines the number of possible combinations of a given number of items. Just input the total number of items and the number of items you want to choose, and COMBIN does the rest. It’s particularly handy in statistics, probability, and various planning scenarios.

How to calculate all possible combinations of a set of numbers?

To calculate all possible combinations for a set of numbers, Excel’s COMBIN function is the go-to. Simply enter =COMBIN(n, k), where n is the total number of items and k is the number of items you want in each combination. For a complete list of combinations, you could use VBA scripting to generate and display every combination or use a data table and Excel logic functions to systematically create them.4

Can I list all possible combinations in Excel?

While the COMBIN function gives the number of combinations, VBA can be used to list all possible combinations. A simple VBA macro can generate every combination based on your input set.

What’s the difference between combinations and permutations?

In combinations, the order of the items doesn’t matter, while in permutations, the order is important. Use COMBIN for combinations and PERMUT for permutations in Excel.

How can combinations be applied in real-life scenarios?

Combinations are useful in tasks like creating team assignments, analyzing product bundles in retail, predicting lottery numbers, and performing statistical probability calculations.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer at

John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to Convert mm to Feet in Excel

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