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How to Use Ordinal Data with Examples in Excel

John Michaloudis
When dealing with data in Excel, we often come across different types of data: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.
In this article, I’ll focus on ordinal data—what it is, how to handle it in Excel, and some practical techniques to analyze and visualize it effectively.

When dealing with data in Excel, we often come across different types of data: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. In this article, I’ll focus on ordinal data—what it is, how to handle it in Excel, and some practical techniques to analyze and visualize it effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ordinal data in Excel has a meaningful order but unequal differences between values, commonly seen in surveys and rankings.
  • Assigning numerical values to ordinal data helps with sorting and filtering, using functions like VLOOKUP and IF.
  • Advanced Excel tools like MODE, MEDIAN, and COUNTIF aid in analyzing ordinal data trends and distributions.
  • Pivot tables and charts are powerful for summarizing and visualizing ordinal data patterns dynamically.
  • Maintaining data integrity requires careful categorization, validation, and avoiding misinterpretation of ordinal data as interval data.


Unlocking the Mysteries of Ordinal Data in Excel

What is Ordinal Data in Excel?

Ordinal data in Excel refers to data that has a meaningful order or ranking, but the differences between the values are not necessarily equal. This type of data is often used when working with surveys, ratings, or performance levels.

Characteristics of Ordinal Data

  • Ranked Order – The values follow a logical sequence (e.g., Low < Medium < High).
  • Unequal Differences – The gap between ranks may not be the same (e.g., the difference between “1st place” and “2nd place” may not be the same as between “2nd place” and “3rd place”).
  • Descriptive or Numeric Labels – Can be represented as numbers (1, 2, 3) or words (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent).


Harnessing Excel for Ordinal Data Analysis

Excel and Ordinal Data: My Go-To Tool

When it comes to handling ordinal data, Excel is my go-to tool. It makes managing and analyzing ranked data effortless with features like sorting, filtering, and charting. Whether I’m working with customer satisfaction surveys, performance rankings, or product ratings, Excel helps me transform raw data into meaningful insights.

I love how Excel keeps the natural order of responses intact, ensuring that rankings make sense in my analysis. From basic sorting to advanced visualizations, Excel gives me the flexibility I need to showcase trends clearly.

Let’s say I’m evaluating my team’s performance based on feedback. I record ratings using ordinal categories—Poor, Fair, Good, and Excellent. Here’s how I structure my data in Excel:

Ordinal Data in Excel

Assigning Numeric Values to Ordinal Data

Since Excel works best with numbers, I often assign numerical values to ordinal categories. Using the above example, I can create a ranking system:

Ordinal Data in Excel

To automate the conversion, I use the VLOOKUP or IF function.


=VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet1!A:B, 2, FALSE)

Ordinal Data in Excel

This formula looks up the text value in column B and assigns the corresponding numeric value from the reference table.

Using IF:

=IF(B2=”Strongly Disagree”,1, IF(B2=”Disagree”,2, IF(B2=”Neutral”,3, IF(B2=”Agree”,4, IF(B2=”Strongly Agree”,5,””)))))

Ordinal Data in Excel

This method works well for a small dataset but can be cumbersome for larger ones.

Sorting and Filtering Ordinal Data

Once I have assigned numerical values, I can sort and filter ordinal data more effectively. Excel’s Sort & Filter feature allows me to arrange data in ascending or descending order.

  • Select the data range. Click on Sort & Filter in the Home tab.

Ordinal Data in Excel

  • Choose Custom Sort and arrange the categories in a meaningful order.

Ordinal Data in Excel


Advanced Excel Tools to Elevate Your Ordinal Data Analysis

MODE Function (Finding the Most Common Response)


Ordinal Data in Excel

This formula helps me determine the most frequently occurring response.

MEDIAN Function (Finding the Middle Response)


Ordinal Data in Excel

Since ordinal data follows an order, the median can give insights into central tendency.

COUNTIF Function (Finding Specific Response Counts)


Ordinal Data in Excel

This formula helps count the number of respondents who selected a particular option.


Reflecting Real-world Scenarios: Examples of Ordinal Data in Excel

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: From Responses to Insights

Customer satisfaction surveys are a treasure trove of ordinal data. Typically, such surveys include Likert-scale questions where respondents choose from ordered options, like ‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’. In Excel, I convert these responses into actionable insights by first coding them numerically while respecting their order – for instance, 1 for ‘Strongly Disagree’ up to 5 for ‘Strongly Agree’.

Then, I analyze frequencies, averages, and modal responses to understand general sentiment, using charts to provide a visual representation. This approach is instrumental in identifying areas where services can be enhanced to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Educational Grading Systems: Classifying Academic Performance

In educational grading systems, ordinal data is prominently featured, categorizing students into performance levels such as ‘Below Average’, ‘Average’, ‘Good’, and ‘Excellent’. In Excel, these categories can be recorded alongside student names or IDs. I use this data to craft a clear picture of class performance, tracking progress over time or comparing groups. For instance, Excel allows me to create pivot charts to show the distribution of grades across a semester, or line graphs to follow the trajectory of a class’s average performance, providing insightful, actionable data for educators.


Advanced Excel Tools to Elevate Your Ordinal Data Analysis

Custom Functions and Formulas for Sorting and Ranking

Custom functions and formulas in Excel offer incredible flexibility for sorting and ranking ordinal data. For instance, I often create formulas that append the appropriate ordinal suffix to numbers, or I design a custom ranking system based on specific criteria within a dataset.

Additionally, Excel’s ability to automate complex sorting rules beyond simple numerical or alphabetical order allows for nuanced analysis of ordinal rankings. By devising clever use of the RANK.EQ or RANK.AVG functions, along with conditional formatting, I can swiftly highlight the relative standings within any set of ordinal data.

Ordinal Data in Excel

Pivot Tables and Charts: Building Dynamic Ordinal Data Reports

Pivot tables and charts are immensely powerful for creating dynamic reports from ordinal data in Excel. I use pivot tables to organize and summarize complex data sets, offering a fast way to cross-tabulate and compare different ordinal variables.

Ordinal Data in Excel

Charts derived from these pivot tables visually demonstrate trends and patterns. For example, a pivot chart can depict how customer satisfaction levels shift across different product categories or over time.

Ordinal Data in Excel

These tools are essential for an interactive and flexible analysis—enabling me to drill down into specifics or zoom out for a broader overview as needed.


Sidelining Errors: Best Practices for Accurate Ordinal Data Handling

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Ordinal Data Entry and Analysis

To sidestep common missteps in handling ordinal data, I make it a point to:

  • Clearly define ordinal categories before data entry to prevent confusion or inconsistency.
  • Use data validation in Excel to restrict input to predefined ordinal values, reducing errors.

Ordinal Data in Excel

  • Avoid treating ordinal data as interval data by not calculating means or employing inappropriate statistical tests that assume equal distances between categories.
  • Stay vigilant for subjective bias, particularly when categorizing open-ended responses into ordinal scales.
  • Regularly back up data and maintain version control to prevent data loss during analysis.

By staying aware of these pitfalls and employing rigorous data handling practices, I minimize errors and ensure validity and reliability in my ordinal data analysis.

Maintaining Data Integrity when Manipulating Ordinal Data Sets

Maintaining data integrity when working with ordinal data sets in Excel involves a set of best practices. I ensure to:

  • Document all coding and categorization decisions for transparency and replicability.
  • Lock cells containing raw ordinal data to prevent accidental alterations.
  • Employ Excel’s ‘Track Changes’ feature for collaborative work, keeping a log of who made what changes and when.

Ordinal Data in Excel

  • Use formulas and cell references wisely to avoid disconnects between data and analysis when updating or extending the data set.
  • Regularly check for internal consistency and validate against source information, especially after data transformation or migration actions.

Focusing on these practices helps me keep the ordinal data set accurate and trustworthy throughout the analysis process.


FAQ on Managing Ordinal Data in Excel

What is ordinal in Excel?

Ordinal in Excel refers to data that represent categories with a clear order but without a defined numerical difference between them. While Excel doesn’t have a specific ordinal data type, it can manage ordinal data through sorting and custom formulas that recognize the relative ranking of values, such as survey responses or educational grades.

What is an example of ordinal data?

An example of ordinal data is a satisfaction survey with options such as ‘Very Unsatisfied’, ‘Unsatisfied’, ‘Neutral’, ‘Satisfied’, and ‘Very Satisfied’. These responses show a clear order from least to most satisfied but the exact distance between each level is not defined.

How can I encode ordinal data correctly in Excel?

To encode ordinal data correctly in Excel, assign consistent numerical or textual codes that reflect the inherent order of the data. Use clear labels to maintain the sequence, apply data validation rules to prevent incorrect data entry, and ensure that any formulas or sorting applied to the data respect its ordinal nature.

What are some common visualizations for ordinal data in Excel?

Common visualizations for ordinal data in Excel include bar charts to compare categories, pie charts to demonstrate proportional differences, and stacked bar charts for data with dual-direction scales. Conditional formatting can also highlight ordinal rankings with color gradations, offering a quick visual reference.

What is the difference between nominal and ordinal data?

The difference between nominal and ordinal data is that while both are categorical, only ordinal data exhibits a clear order or ranking among its categories. Nominal data simply categorizes without implying any hierarchy or sequence, like types of fruit or eye color, whereas ordinal data indicates levels, like ‘low’ to ‘high’ or ‘poor’ to ‘excellent’.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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