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How to Use Phone Number Format in Excel

John Michaloudis
When working with phone numbers in Excel, I’ve often found that formatting can be tricky.
Whether it’s for a client list, database, or personal records, presenting phone numbers in a consistent and readable format is essential.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to use the correct phone number format in Excel, covering everything from basic to handling international phone number format.

When working with phone numbers in Excel, I’ve often found that formatting can be tricky. Whether it’s for a client list, database, or personal records, presenting phone numbers in a consistent and readable format is essential. In this guide, I’ll show you how to use the correct phone number format in Excel, covering everything from basic to handling international phone number format.

Key Takeaways:

  • Phone numbers in Excel should be treated as text strings rather than numerical values to avoid formatting issues.
  • Use built-in or custom number formats for consistent and professional phone number presentations.
  • Functions like TEXT, TEXTJOIN, and SUBSTITUTE simplify the management and cleanup of phone number data.
  • Proper formatting ensures compatibility with telecommunication systems and improves data integration with other software.
  • Uniform phone number formats enhance readability, professionalism, and ease of collaboration in spreadsheets.


Understanding Phone Number Formatting in Excel

The Basics of Phone Number Data Types

When dealing with phone numbers in Excel, it’s crucial to recognize the data type that best represents them. Phone numbers, though numeric, are not values on which we perform arithmetic. Instead, they’re a special type of text string comprising numeric characters. They usually require a specific display format, such as (xxx) xxx-xxxx in the United States, to make them easily understandable.

Common Challenges with Phone Numbers

Indubitably, one encounters several challenges when formatting phone numbers in Excel. These range from ensuring that all phone numbers have a consistent format, to handling numbers with missing or extra digits. Variations in country codes add complexity when the dataset includes international numbers. Moreover, incorporating non-numeric characters like parentheses and dashes can impede numerical calculations if the data type isn’t handled correctly.

Without proper formatting, one might end up with a mix of 10-digit numbers, 7-digit local numbers, or international numbers with varying lengths. This inconsistency can cause confusion, especially in databases where reliability and clarity of information are paramount.


Step-by-Step Instructions to Format Phone Numbers

Using Built-in Formats for Quick Fixes

Excel offers a range of built-in formats that can quickly standardize phone number data. These presets are effective for common phone number structures and could be a time-saver.

To use a built-in format, simply select the cells containing the phone numbers, right-click, and choose ‘Format Cells’.

Phone Number Format in Excel

Navigate to ‘Special’ and select ‘Phone Number’.

Phone Number Format in Excel

The selected phone number format will be displayed.

Phone Number Format in Excel

Creating Custom Formats for Unique Styles.

When the built-in options don’t quite meet our needs, creating a custom phone number format in Excel allows for more distinctive styles to be applied. Starting this process involves selecting the desired cells and accessing the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box. In the ‘Number’ tab, choosing ‘Custom’ from the category list opens up possibilities for a tailored approach.

A custom format can include spaces, dashes, parentheses, and even country codes. For example, to format a typical U.S. phone number, one might enter something like this [<=9999999]###-####;(###) ###-####.

Phone Number Format in Excel

The custom format [<=9999999]###-####;(###) ###-#### in Excel displays numbers based on their length. Numbers with 7 digits or fewer are shown as 123-4567, while numbers greater than 7 digits are formatted as (123) 456-7890. This ensures proper phone number styling automatically.

Phone Number Format in Excel


Utilizing Excel Functions for Phone Number Management

The TEXT Function Demystified

The TEXT function in Excel is a versatile tool that lets us transform values into text and apply formatting at the same time. It’s incredibly useful when a phone number needs to be displayed in a specific format within a text string. The syntax is TEXT(value, format_text), with value being the cell reference or value you wish to format, and format_text being the desired format.

For phone numbers, a custom format within the TEXT function might look like =TEXT(A2, “(###) ###-####”)

Phone Number Format in Excel

Applying this function ensures that the output appears exactly as intended, with the numbers neatly enclosed in parentheses and separated by spaces and dashes. Despite the result being a text string, it retains the appearance of a number with a conventional phone number structure.

Harnessing the Power of TEXTJOIN and SUBSTITUTE

Excel’s TEXTJOIN function brings a powerful capacity for combining multiple text strings into one, with the added benefit of including a delimiter. When managing phone numbers, TEXTJOIN can concatenate individual segments with precise separations such as dashes or periods. The syntax, TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], ...), is straightforward, allowing you to define what’s placed between text values and whether to skip any blank cells.

Phone Number Format in Excel

Paired with the SUBSTITUTE function, we can enjoy even greater control over phone number formatting. SUBSTITUTE allows us to swap out specific characters in a text string with new ones or remove them entirely by replacing them with an empty string. This feature is invaluable for cleaning up imported data, and removing unwanted characters to achieve a standard phone number structure, as seen with SUBSTITUTE(phone_number, "-", "") which removes dashes.

Phone Number Format in Excel

Using these functions in combination can turn a disorganized list of numbers into a cleanly formatted phone directory.


Practical Applications of Phone Number Formatting

Improving Data Consistency and Presentation

Proper phone number formatting in Excel is pivotal for enhancing data consistency and the overall presentation of a spreadsheet. When phone numbers adhere to a uniform format, it not only appears more professional but also makes the data easier to read and analyze. I’ve found that this uniformity is particularly beneficial when sharing files with colleagues or clients, as it avoids misunderstandings and ensures everyone interprets the data correctly.

Furthermore, utilizing Excel’s features to maintain a consistent phone number format streamlines the integration of the spreadsheet with other applications, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems or automated dialing software. This integration is hassle-free because the data is already neatly organized and requires no additional manipulation.

Preparing Phone Numbers for Telecommunication Systems

Preparing phone numbers correctly in Excel is critical for interfacing with telecommunication systems, which often necessitate precise number formats for functionality. For instance, a system may require the removal of special characters like dashes and spaces or the inclusion of international dialing codes. I make it a point to ascertain the exact requirements of the system in use and process the phone number data accordingly.

By applying Excel’s text functions or custom formats, I transform the dataset into a form that’s compatible with the telecommunication system’s expectations. Achieving this harmony between the data and the system aids in preventing errors in call processes and ensures efficient operation.


FAQ: Your Top Questions Answered

How do I format a phone number in Excel?

To format a phone number in Excel, right-click on the cell containing the number and select ‘Format Cells‘. In the dialogue box that appears, choose ‘Special’ under the ‘Number’ tab. From there, you can select a phone number format if it’s available for your region. If you want a custom format, click on ‘Custom’ and input the desired format, using placeholders such as (000) 000-0000, where ‘0’ represents a digit. Then click ‘OK’ to apply the format.

How do I apply a uniform phone number format to multiple cells?

To apply a uniform phone number format to multiple cells in Excel, first select the range of cells you want to format. Then, right-click on the selection, choose ‘Format Cells’, and follow the same steps as formatting a single cell—either by choosing a special phone number format or by entering a custom format under the ‘Custom’ category. This will apply your chosen format to all selected cells at once.

Can Excel automatically recognize and format phone numbers upon entry?

Excel cannot automatically recognize and format phone numbers as they’re entered without setting up such a feature. However, you can create data entry rules using Data Validation or employ VBA macros to trigger formatting once a phone number is entered. Alternatively, formatting the column in advance with a custom phone number format can ensure that numbers entered adhere to that format, though this won’t work for every variation of phone number structures.

How do I format a phone number in Excel without dashes?

To format a phone number in Excel without dashes, you can use a custom format that excludes them. Select the cells with phone numbers, right-click, and choose ‘Format Cells’. In the Custom category, you could enter a format like (000) 0000000, which would display the number as (123) 4567890. Alternatively, the TEXT formula with a similar custom format will also convert your phone numbers to the desired text format without including dashes.

How to change the current country code in Excel?

To change the current country code for phone numbers in Excel, you’ll need to manipulate the data using formulas. You can use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace the existing country code with a new one. For instance, if you’re changing the UK country code from +44 to the US +1, you would use:

=SUBSTITUTE(A1, “+44”, “+1”)

Replace ‘A1’ with the cell that contains the phone number. Once the formula is entered, drag the fill handle down to apply the change to all desired cells. This will update the numbers to include the new country code. Remember to convert formulas to values after changes are made if needed.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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