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Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables

Excel Pivot Tables have a lot of usefulĀ calculations under the SHOW VALUES AS option and one that can help you a lot is the Excel Pivot Table Percentage of Row Total.
This option will immediately calculate the percentages for you from a table filled with numbers such as sales data, expenses, attendance, or anything that can be quantified.

Excel Pivot Tables have a lot of usefulĀ calculations under the SHOW VALUES AS option and one that can help you a lot is the Excel Pivot Table Percentage of Row Total. This option will immediately calculate the percentages for you from a table filled with numbers such as sales data, expenses, attendance, or anything that can be quantified.

Key Takeaways:

  • Percent of Row Total Calculation: Excel Pivot Tables allow you to calculate percentages based on row totals by applying a “Show Values As” option. This is useful for comparing the contribution of each value to the total within a row.
  • Easy to Apply: To show percentages, right-click on the value field in the Pivot Table, select Show Values As, and choose % of Row Total from the list. Excel will then display each data point as a percentage of its respective row total.
  • Useful for Data Analysis: Displaying percentages of row totals helps in analyzing the relative contribution of each item or category within a specific row, which can be especially useful for sales data, performance analysis, and financial summaries.
  • Dynamic Calculation: The percentage calculation is dynamic, meaning that as the data in the Pivot Table changes or filters are applied, the percentages automatically update, providing real-time insights.
  • Flexible Formatting Options: Once the percentages are displayed, you can format the values to control decimal places, percentage symbols, and overall appearance, allowing for a more professional and readable report.

How to Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables

STEP 1: Select any cell in the Data Table

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 2: Go to Insert > PivotTable.

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 3:Ā In the Create PivotTable dialog box, select table range and New Worksheet and then Click OK.

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 4:Ā In theĀ ROWSĀ section put in theĀ SalesĀ PersonĀ field, in theĀ COLUMNSĀ put in the FinancialĀ YearĀ field and in theĀ VALUESĀ area you need to put in theĀ SalesĀ field twice, I explain why below:

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables

A Pivot Table will be created and looks like this:

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 5:Click the second Sales fieldā€™sĀ (Sum of SALES2) drop down and chooseĀ Value Field Settings

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 6: Select theĀ Show Values AsĀ tab and from the drop down chooseĀ % of RowĀ Total.Ā 

Also, change the Custom Name into Percent of RowĀ Total to make it more presentable.Ā ClickĀ OK.

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 7:Ā Notice that the Percent of RowĀ Totaldata is in a decimalĀ format that is hard to read:

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables

To format the Percent of RowĀ Totalcolumn, click the secondĀ Sales fieldā€™sĀ (Percent of RowĀ Total) drop down and chooseĀ Value Field Settings.Ā 

The goal here is for us to transformĀ numbers fromĀ a decimalĀ format (i.e. 0.23), into a percentageĀ format that is more readable (i.e. 23%).

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 8: Click the Number Format button.

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables


STEP 9: Inside theĀ Format Cells dialog box, make your formatting changes within here and pressĀ OKĀ twice.

In this example, we used theĀ PercentageĀ category to make our Percent of RowĀ TotalĀ numbers become more readable.

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables

You now have your Pivot Table, showing the Percent of RowĀ TotalĀ for the sales data of years 2012, 2013, and 2014.

All of the sales numbersĀ are now represented as a Percentage of each rowĀ (Years 2012, 2013 and 2014), which you can see onĀ each rowĀ is represented as 100% in totality.

Particularly the yellow highlighted ones would total to 100% for the first row:

Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I show the percentage of the row total in an Excel Pivot Table?
To display the percentage of row total, right-click on any value in the Values field of the Pivot Table, select Show Values As, and then choose % of Row Total. This will show each value as a percentage of its respective row total.

Can I apply this percentage calculation to multiple rows or columns?
Yes, you can apply the % of Row Total calculation to multiple rows or columns in your Pivot Table. Simply select the desired field in the Values section, right-click, and apply the calculation. Excel will calculate the percentage of row totals for all relevant rows or columns.

Does the percentage update automatically when I filter or change data in my Pivot Table?
Yes, the percentages are dynamic and will update automatically whenever you apply filters or change the data in the Pivot Table. The percentage calculations always reflect the current data displayed in the table.

Can I control the number of decimal places in the percentage values?
Yes, you can format the percentage values to control the number of decimal places. Right-click on the percentage values, select Number Format, and then choose Percentage with the desired number of decimal places.

Why does the percentage of row total add up to more than 100%?
The percentage of row total might add up to more than 100% if there are duplicate or overlapping data points in the Pivot Table. Check your data to ensure that each entry is unique, or consider adjusting your data set to remove any duplicates or inconsistencies.


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Show The Percent of Row Total With Excel Pivot Tables | MyExcelOnline


Bryan Hong is an IT Software Developer for more than 10 years and has the following certifications: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Applications, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA).

He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and a teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office at the MyExecelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  Varp in Excel Pivot Tables

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