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How to Truncate Numbers with TRUNC in Excel

John Michaloudis
When working with numerical data in Microsoft Excel, precision is often critical.
But there are times when you just need to strip away the decimals without rounding the numbers.

This is where the TRUNC function becomes a game-changer.

Let me walk you through how it works, its syntax, and how you can use it to simplify your calculations.

When working with numerical data in Microsoft Excel, precision is often critical. But there are times when you just need to strip away the decimals without rounding the numbers. This is where the TRUNC function becomes a game-changer. Let me walk you through how it works, its syntax, and how you can use it to simplify your calculations.

Key Takeaways:

  • The TRUNC function is a simple yet powerful tool to strip away decimals without rounding, ensuring precision in numerical data.
  • TRUNC’s syntax, =TRUNC(number, [num_digits]), allows flexibility by truncating to either zero or a specific number of decimal places.
  • It’s particularly useful for financial reporting, data validation, and preparing datasets for analysis by maintaining consistent precision.
  • TRUNC outshines similar functions like INT, ROUND, and ROUNDDOWN in scenarios requiring unbiased truncation without altering integer values.
  • Advanced uses include extracting dates from date-time values and error-proofing datasets by enforcing uniform decimal places.


Introduction to TRUNC in Excel

Why Mastering TRUNC is Essential for Excel Users

As an Excel user, mastering the TRUNC function is like having a precision tool in your toolkit: it ensures that I can manage numerical data with utmost accuracy, which is invaluable in fields like finance, engineering, and data analytics. Understanding the TRUNC function helps me keep my data clean and error-free, as it eliminates any influence from rounding, which can subtly, yet significantly, alter my results.

The Basic Functionality of TRUNC and its Application

The TRUNC function in Excel is elegantly simple – it truncates or cuts off, the decimal portion of a number without rounding. For example, if I’m working with financial data and need to report figures in whole dollars, TRUNC is the function I’ll reach for. It’s ideal when the precision of decimal places isn’t necessary, and I need the raw integer form of a number.

In applications, I can use TRUNC to prepare data for reports where fractions make data harder to digest or when I require consistency in the number of decimal places across all values. It’s particularly useful for preparing data sets for further statistical analysis, ensuring that the precision level of all my data points is consistent.


Understanding the Syntax and Parameters of TRUNC

Breaking Down the TRUNC Function Syntax

Diving into the syntax of the TRUNC function, it’s clear that simplicity is key. The basic form is =TRUNC(number, [num_digits]). The number is the value I want to truncate. This could be a hardcoded number, a cell reference, or even the result of another function. If I delve deeper, the optional [num_digits] parameter allows me to specify the number of decimal places I want to maintain before truncation. Omitting this second parameter defaults to zero, effectively removing all decimal places.

The beauty lies in its straightforward approach—no additional arguments or complicated configurations. This direct syntax makes the TRUNC function accessible and easy to implement for a wide range of users, from novice to advanced.


Practical Examples of Number Truncation

How to Truncate a Number to Zero Decimal Places

Truncating to zero decimal places is a common requirement, particularly when dealing with whole numbers. To achieve this, I’d use the TRUNC function without specifying the [num_digits] parameter, or explicitly setting it to 0. The function would then look like =TRUNC(number, 0) or simply =TRUNC(number).

For example, if I want to truncate 25.9 to zero decimal places, I would enter =TRUNC(25.9, 0) or =TRUNC(25.9) in a cell. Both would yield the result 25, stripping off the decimal portion entirely, leaving me with a clean, rounded-down number.

TRUNC in Excel

This straightforward action is particularly helpful when I’m processing data that must be represented as whole units, and fractions would only complicate the analysis or reporting.

Precisely Truncating Numbers to Specific Decimal Places

When the task entails retaining a certain level of precision, precisely truncating numbers to specific decimal places is a breeze with TRUNC. By adjusting the [num_digits] parameter, I can specify the exact number of decimal places to keep. If I wish to truncate the number 3.14159 to two decimal places, I’ll use the formula =TRUNC(3.14159, 2).

TRUNC in Excel

The result is 3.143.14159 truncated precisely to two decimal places, with the remaining digits discarded. This capability is invaluable when dealing with financial sums, scientific measurements, or any scenario where maintaining specific decimal accuracy is essential while avoiding the influence of rounding.


Comparing TRUNC with Other Rounding Functions

TRUNC vs. INT: Knowing When to Use Each

Understanding their distinctions is paramount with both TRUNC and INT functions at my disposal. While TRUNC simply strips away the decimal portion without altering the integer part regardless of the sign, INT rounds negative numbers down to the next lower integer.

TRUNC in Excel

Therefore, TRUNC is my go-to when I aim to remove decimals without touching the integer value, very handy in maintaining the integrity of the original number.

On the flip side, when working with negative numbers and I need to ensure that the result adheres to rounding down, INT is the function of choice. This difference is especially critical in financial scenarios where the treatment of negative values can impact the bottom line.

So the key takeaway: Use TRUNC for precision stripping of decimals and INT when round-down behavior for negative numbers is needed.

A Closer Look at TRUNC vs. ROUND and ROUNDDOWN Functions

Examining TRUNC side-by-side with ROUND and ROUNDDOWN reveals their subtle yet significant differences. TRUNC indiscriminately discards the decimal part, which makes it quite unbiased. Contrarily, ROUND takes into account the decimal value, rounding up or down to provide the closest approximation.

TRUNC in Excel

Comparing TRUNC to ROUNDDOWN is an intriguing case. Both seem to perform the same action at first glance – not rounding but chopping off decimals. However, ROUNDDOWN requires a specified number of digits for truncation whereas for TRUNC, it defaults to zero when omitted.

When precision is paramount and I don’t want the numbers to increase due to rounding, I’ll pick TRUNC or ROUNDDOWN. But when approximate values are sufficient and traditional rounding is necessary, ROUND is my function of choice.


Advanced Tips and Tricks Using TRUNC

Extracting Dates Without Time Using TRUNC

Extracting just the date component from a date-time value in Excel can be a common task for which TRUNC is perfectly suited. Suppose I have 7/15/2023 13:45 in a cell and want to extract the date without the time. By applying =TRUNC(A1), TRUNC effectively ignores the time portion, which is represented as a decimal, and returns 7/15/2023.

TRUNC in Excel

This utility extends to scenarios where I need to analyze or report on data where only the date is relevant – let’s say, checking the number of transactions per day without caring about the exact time they occurred. It helps me maintain a clean set of date-only records that are ideal for pivot tables, charts, and calendar-style reporting.

Data Validation and Error-Proofing with TRUNC

Using TRUNC for data validation and error-proofing is a neat trick. TRUNC allows me to enforce uniformity in datasets by stripping data to a consistent number of decimal places. This ensures that when I compare or sum numbers, I’m not inadvertently introducing rounding errors that could happen with other functions.

Let’s consider a real-life application: If I’m creating a financial model and want to ensure that all inputs are converted to whole numbers, I can use TRUNC to validate data entries automatically, making my model robust against decimal-induced inaccuracies.

In essence, TRUNC can be an ally in maintaining the integrity of my data, providing me peace of mind that the numbers are exactly as intended with no hidden decimal surprises.



How do I use trunc in Excel?

To use TRUNC in Excel, input =TRUNC(number, [num_digits]) into a cell. Replace number with the numerical value or cell reference, and [num_digits] with the number of decimal places to keep. If seeking to truncate to a whole number, omit the [num_digits] parameter.

Example: =TRUNC(A1, 2) to truncate the value in cell A1 to two decimal places.

Can TRUNC Handle Negative Numbers as Well as Positive Ones?

Yes, TRUNC handles both negative and positive numbers effectively. It removes the decimal part of a number without altering the integer part, regardless of the number’s sign, ensuring consistent truncation for the dataset.

How Does TRUNC Behave with Non-Numeric Data Types?

If I attempt to use TRUNC with non-numeric data, Excel will return an error. It’s essential to confirm that the data I’m working with is numerical before applying the function to avoid any data processing issues.

What is the difference between the trunc and rounddown function?

The difference between TRUNC and ROUNDDOWN in Excel is subtle: Both functions discard the decimal portion of a number, but ROUNDDOWN requires a specified number of digits argument, while with TRUNC, this is optional and defaults to zero if omitted. They both return the downward truncated value, yet TRUNC is often simpler to use when eliminating decimals entirely.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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