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61 Power BI Tricks You Need to Learn Now

Let us explore the world of Power Query and Power Pivot inside Power BI!

Let us explore the world of Power Query and Power Pivot inside Power BI!

61 Power BI Tricks You Need to Learn Now

Excel Power Query is one of the most powerful new features within Microsoft Excel and the easiest to learn.

It was first introduced as an Excel add-in in 2013 and was then made available in Excel 2010.  In Excel 2016 it was renamed to Get & Transform and was available (without using an add-in) under the DATA tab in the ribbon menu.  In Excel 2019, it will be renamed to Power Query once again!

You can use Power Query to clean & transform your data that you download from your ERP or accounting system and display it in a report for Excel to work with.

The best thing is that you can reapply the same transformation steps in just ONE single click, saving you HOURS! So next week when you get the same report with updated data, a simple REFRESH will transform your data once again!

Now how about for Excel Power Pivot?

Power Pivot gives you the power to work with large sets of data.

See also  Using Excel Tables in Power Pivot

In a nutshell, it allows you to use multiple data sources. Then you could import, merge and perform analysis on the resulting data.

The beautiful thing with Power Pivot is it allows you to work on Big Data with no limitations.

Imagine getting data from multiple sources like SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Excel, Microsoft Access then build a Data Model from it. Then you can analyze these all into one awesome Pivot Table!

We have over 60+ tutorials for you to learn and master Excel Power BI! So read on!

Click on any Excel Power BI link below and it will take you to the free example tutorial & downloadable Excel workbook for you to practice!

Power Pivot – Power BI

Power Query – Power BI

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See also  Microsoft Excel Training | Free Excel Online Training Courses

61 Power BI Tricks You Need to Learn Now | MyExcelOnline


Bryan is a best-selling book author of the 101 Excel Series paperback books.

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