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Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel

Imagine you have a lot of shapes in your Excel file and the shapes are all over the place!

Imagine you have a lot of shapes in your Excel file and the shapes are all over the place!

You want to organize the shapes but it seems a pain to move them one by one!

What would you do?

Thankfully, Excel allows you to distribute and align shapes!

This is our initial layout of shapes:

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel | MyExcelOnline

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STEP 1: Hold the CTRL key and select all of the shapes you want to move:

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel


STEP 2: Go to Format > Arrange > Align > Align Bottom

You can Align the shapes to the direction that you want (i.e. Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom)

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel


STEP 3: Go to Format > Arrange > Align > Distribute Horizontally

You can Distribute the shapes either Horizontally or Vertically.

This will ensure the distance between the shapes are equally distributed.

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel


Your shapes are now in good shape! (Pun intended)

See also  Excel Custom Number Format Millions and Thousands

Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel

Distribute and Align Shapes


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Distribute and Align Shapes in Excel | MyExcelOnline


Bryan is a best-selling book author of the 101 Excel Series paperback books.

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