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F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

John Michaloudis
Excel Repeat Last Action.
Many times, you might have faced a situation where need to do a bunch of tasks repeatedly while working on an Excel worksheet.

Excel Repeat Last Action

Many times, you might have faced a situation where need to do a bunch of tasks repeatedly while working on an Excel worksheet.

You may need to insert a blank row or column, add a black border, red fill to a cell, etc. to multiple cells, and repeating the same task again and again can be quite time-consuming.


Using Keyboard Shortcuts (F4)

If you want to repeat action in Excel, like inserting a column/row, formatting cells, copy & pasting, etc, then you can use the keyboard shortcut F4 which will repeat your last action (in most cases).

If you want to insert blank rows multiple times using f4 keyboard shortcut, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select the row above which you want to insert a blank row.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

STEP 2: Right-Click and select Insert.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

A new row is added!

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

STEP 3: To repeat this action, simply press F4.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

This is how you can repeat last action Excel.

See also  How to Split Cells in Excel - The Easy Way


Using Keyboard Shortcut (Ctrl + Y)

Previously, you have used the shortcut F4 to redo a task in Excel. In the same manner, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Y to get the task to repeat again!!

Instead of using a keyboard shortcut, you can even add the Repeat Command in your QAT!

Let’s try the repeat command to redo the last action in Excel!


Using Repeat Command

Another easy way is to add the Repeat command on the Quick Access Toolbar and simply click on it to repeat the last action multiple times.

To add Repeat Command in QAT, do as follows:

STEP 1: Select the small arrow on the top of the ribbon to access the Quick Access Toolbar.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action


STEP 2: Select More Commands from the list.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action


STEP 3: In the Excel Options dialog box, from the list of commands under Popular Commands select Repeat.F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

STEP 4: Click on Add and then you will see Repeat added to the right. F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

See also  CTRL + SHIFT + L: Insert a Filter in Excel


STEP 5: Click OK.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

Repeat Command is now added to your QAT. You can now easily Redo the last action by simply clicking on it.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action


You can remove this command from the QAT. To do that:

STEP 1: Select the small arrow on the top of the ribbon to access the Quick Access Toolbar.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

STEP 2: Select More Commands from the list.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

STEP 3: Under Customize Quick Access Toolbar, select Repeat.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

STEP 4: Click Remove and then click OK.

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action

Repeat Command is now no longer part of the Quick Analysis Toolbar!

F4: Excel Repeat Last Action



So, you can avoid typing the same text, formula, or formatting on each and every cell of the sheet. You can repeat your last action by either using the shortcuts – F4 or Ctrl + Y or by adding the Repeat Command on your Quick Access Toolbar.


Keyboard shortcuts can save you heaps of time when working with Excel data. It is extremely helpful and increases your productivity! Click here to learn more about it.

See also  The Power of Right Click In Excel

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