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Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010

Power Pivot is an Excel add-in that was first introduced in Excel 2010 by Microsoft.

Power Pivot is an Excel add-in that was first introduced in Excel 2010 by Microsoft.

Excel 2010 power pivot allows you to harness the power of Business Intelligence right in Excel.

Read the tutorial on how to enable Power Pivot in Excel 2013 here

Read the tutorial on how to enable Power Pivot in Excel 2016 here

So What is Power Pivot?

In a nutshell, Excel 2010 Power Pivot allows you to use multiple data sources for analysis.

Power Pivot gives you the power to work with large sets of data that are over 1 million rows!!!

You could import, merge and perform analysis on the resulting data. The beautiful thing with Power Pivot is it allows you to work on Big Data with no limitations.

Imagine getting data from multiple sources like SQL Server, Oracle, XML, Excel, Microsoft Access, and analyzing these all into one awesome Pivot Table!

Watch the Video on How to Install Excel 2010 power pivot on Youtube and give it a thumbs-up!

See also  Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2013

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010 | MyExcelOnline


So how do I get my hands on this super awesome add-in…I hear you say?

Get Office 2010 Home & Business on Amazon

Office 365 ProPlus Subscription


Install Excel 2010 Power Pivot

Follow this step-by-step tutorial on how to install PowerPivot in Excel 2010:

STEP 1: The first step is to check the Excel bit version that you have on your PC.

To check the bit version, you need to go and open any Excel workbook and go to File > Help and on the far right-hand side, you will see the Version and the bit number in brackets, either (32-bit) or (64-bit).  Once you know this, close out of Excel completely!

How To Install Power Query in Excel 2010


STEP 2: You will need to click on the following link and download the Power Pivot add-in from Microsoft’s website:

Download Power Pivot for Excel 2010

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010


STEP 3: Press the Download button and you will need to select the download bit version based on the bit system your Excel 2010 version is running (from Step 1).

See also  Install Power Query With Excel 2013

If your Excel is 32-bit, pick the x86 installer.

If your Excel is 64-bit, pick the amd64 installer:

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010

Press the NEXT button…

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010

…and this will start the download of the add-in installer .msi file installer on your browser (if you do not see this, go to your browser’s Downloads folder).


STEP 4: Click on the .msi file to run the installer:

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010


STEP 5:  This will bring up the Microsoft Power Pivot for Excel Setup:

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010


Click the Next button and accept the terms of the Licence Agreement and press Next again:

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010


Click Next and select the Install button, wait for the Install to finish:

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010


You will get the following message once your install has been completed successfully.  Press Finish!

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010


STEP 6: Open a blank Excel workbook and on the ribbon menu you should now see the Power Pivot tab:

Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010


Enable Excel 2010 Power Pivot

If you cannot see the PowerPivot tab, go through the steps below to activate it:

See also  Microsoft Excel Online Course Private Access - 20+ Hours Beginner to Advanced Course

STEP 1: Go to File > Options 

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2016

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2016


STEP 2: Go to Add-Ins, for the Manage dropdown select COM Add-ins. Click Go once set.

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2016


STEP 3: Check Microsoft Power Pivot for Excel. Click OK once done.

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2016

You can easily enable Pivot Excel 2010 download and make the tab appear in the menu ribbon.

STEP 4: You should now have the Power Pivot Tab.  Click Manage to see the Power Pivot Window.

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2016

This will open Power Pivot in Excel 2010!


Power Pivot Window (click on the image to expand):

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2016

To work on Power Pivot, you must first understand how to open the Power Pivot window.

STEP 1: Click on the Power Pivot Tab in Menu Ribbon.

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2013

STEP 2: Select the Manage option under Data Model.

Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2013

This opens the Power Pivot window and here you can explore all of its features!


You can learn more about how to use Excel by viewing our FREE Excel webinar training on Formulas, Pivot Tables, and Macros & VBA!

See also  Enabling Power Pivot Excel 2016

Excel Pivot Table

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Installing Power Pivot in Excel 2010 | MyExcelOnline


Bryan is a best-selling book author of the 101 Excel Series paperback books.

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