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Thermometer Excel Chart

Thermometer Charts are one of the many Charts you can create in Excel.
 It does not really exist in Excel, however we can get creative and create our own.

Thermometer Charts are one of the many Charts you can create in Excel.  It does not really exist in Excel, however we can get creative and create our own.

A Thermometer Chart gives you a good view of the percentage of progress made on your project, budget etc.

We are going to use a Column Chart and customize it to make it look like a thermometer.

In this example I show you how easy it is to insert a Thermometer Chart using Excel.

Thermometer Excel Chart | MyExcelOnline

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STEP 1: Given your data, ensure that you have the Percentage computed.

Thermometer Excel Chart

We have the Percentage computed as the Total divided by the Goal Amount.

Thermometer Excel Chart


STEP 2: Select the Percentage value, and select Insert > Column Charts > 2-D Clustered Column

Thermometer Excel Chart


STEP 3: Right-click on the Header and Click Delete.

Thermometer Excel Chart


STEP 4: Right-click on the bottom column name  and Click Delete

Thermometer Excel Chart


STEP 5: Right click on the Column itself, and Select Format Data Series.

Thermometer Excel Chart

Set the Gap Width to 0%. This will ensure the column fills our entire chart.

See also  Ultimate Bell Curve Guide - Create Grade Distribution Chart in Excel

Thermometer Excel Chart


STEP 6: Right click on the Column percentages, and Select Format Axis.

Thermometer Excel Chart

Set the Maximum to 1. This will ensure our range is from 0% to 100%.

Thermometer Excel Chart


STEP 7: Resize the chart to a smaller size. You now have your Thermometer Chart ready.

Update your data values and see the chart go up and down!

Thermometer Excel Chart


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