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Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

John Michaloudis
Corporations have now shifted to a work-from-home environment where all meetings are held online.
One of the main features of an in-person meeting is the ability to sketch out ideas together.

The Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams helps you provide a digital canvas that can be used to brainstorm ideas in an online meeting. It is stored in the cloud and can be accessed by anyone who was part of the meeting.

In this article, we will cover the following in detail –

Watch this video on How to Use Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams Meeting on YouTube and give it a thumbs-up!


Accessing the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

Once the teams meeting starts, you go to the share button and click on Microsoft Whiteboard to open it.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

If you are using the free version of Microsoft Teams, this feature may not be available to you. To start using whiteboard using your online meeting, you have to subscribe to Microsoft 365.


Whiteboard Functionality

Microsoft Teams is very versatile in providing various whiteboard objects, tools, and functionalities for everyone else in the meeting to see and collaborate with. Let’s explore these functionalities

Pen Tool

You can use your tablet pen to write, and graphically explain in the meeting. To use this tool :

  • Click on the Pen icon on the top
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Start writing on the screen and everyone else in the meeting will be able to see it
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

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You can use the post-it and use this tool to put up small notes on the whiteboard. Follow these steps to know how to use post it –

  • Click on the notes icon in the create menu on the left.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • You’ll be able to see a variety of options and colors available for the post-it notes.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Drag and drop post-it anywhere in the blank area of the whiteboard
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • You can start typing in your note on the post-it note
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • To move it anywhere else on the screen, just click off it, then click and drag it anywhere you desire.
  • You can resize the post-it using the double arrow cursor after placing the arrow on the corner.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams


Text Box

Use a textbox to place text on the whiteboard –

  • Click on the Text from the create menu on the left
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Drag and drop the text box on the whiteboard and you can start typing in the textbox
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Click on the color icon and choose any color to change the color of the text
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Click on the pencil icon to edit the text
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams



Insert any shape like a rectangle, circle, square, etc to enhance the whiteboard presentation graphically. Follow these simple steps to achieve it –

  • Click on the Shape menu item on the left
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Drag and drop any preferable shape from the menu on the whiteboard
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Resize the shape using the double-arrow cursor on the corner of the object.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Change the color of the object and the outline of the object by clicking on the color and outline color tool, a color picker will appear to choose a color from.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • You can rotate the shape by highlighting the mouse on the corner and waiting till the rotate cursor appears. Then hold our left mouse button and rotate it as per requirement.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • To change the placement of the shape, drag and drop the shape anywhere on the whiteboard.

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Insert images from a computer on the whiteboard easily by following these steps:

  • Click on the Image icon on the create menu
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Click on My Device to insert an image from your computer.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Browse and select the image from the device and click Open.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • You can resize the image using the double arrow cursor after placing the arrow in the corner.
  • Drag and drop the image anywhere on the whiteboard.

You can also pick images from Bing search in near future. This feature is not ready yet.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

You can copy-paste any object on the whiteboard by simply selecting the object and then

  • Copy the Object by pressing Control + C (Windows) or CMD + C (MAC) or by clicking on the duplicate button on the object toolbar menu
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Click anywhere on the blank space of the whiteboard to paste the object.
  • Paste the Object by pressing Control + V (Windows) or CMD + V (Mac).

To delete any object click on the delete icon on the object toolbar menu.

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Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams


Clearing the Whiteboard

You can easily clear all the objects off the whiteboard with just two clicks –

  • Right-click on the mouse anywhere on the whiteboard
  • Click on Clear Canvas
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams


Using a Whiteboard Template

This is a very handy tool for the whiteboard, which enables the user to insert premade templates of objects on the whiteboard.

  • Click on the template item on the left menu
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Choose a template category from the list of categories
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Once the Problem Solving category is selected, different options will be available. Click an appropriate one.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Drag and drop the selected template onto the whiteboard
  • Resize it by using the double-arrow cursor


Freestyle Drawing on Whiteboard

The inking button on the left enables or disables the pen toolbar on the screen.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

Copy any drawing using the lasso toolbar. Hold to shift and move the drawing anywhere on the screen.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams


Whiteboard Options in Microsoft Teams

You can easily export the whiteboard in an image format by clicking on the settings icon on the top left and clicking on the Export image option.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

You can choose the standard or high resolution as per requirement and click on Export. The image will be downloaded to the downloads folder of your device.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

Change the whiteboard background by clicking on the Format Background option on the settings menu on the top right.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

You can put a grid on the background or choose any color or put a wide rule or any other option available.

Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams

Allow other participants to edit the whiteboard for collaboration by enabling the toggle Other participants can edit from the settings menu.

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Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams


Viewing the Whiteboard Later in Microsoft Teams

After your Teams meeting has ended, you can still view the whiteboard –

  • Download the whiteboard export by going to Files > Downloads in Microsoft teams.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams
  • Open the Microsoft Whiteboard app, you’ll find all the previous whiteboards you were working on or an option to open a new whiteboard.
    Using the Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams


In this article, we have covered how to access the Whiteboard directly from Microsoft Teams, different options for drawing on the Microsoft Teams whiteboard, saving the Microsoft Teams whiteboard for later, whiteboard settings, and more!


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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship Academy Online Course.

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