If you're starting to learn Microsoft Excel late in life or you've been using it for decades...
If you're a manager, finance analyst, administrator, accountant, CFO, job hunter or any other professional that is looking to get an advantage over your colleagues or peers...
...then this FREE Excel Pivot Tables & Dashboards Masterclass is a MUST-WATCH to ADVANCE your Excel skills...
What You Will Learn In This Free Excel Masterclass
Top 3 Most AMAZING Excel Pivot Table Reports...
...that you can easily create within MINUTES & will make you look like an analytical GURU and Excel EXPERT!
The #1 SECRET Excel Tip...
...that I used to quickly ADVANCE my Excel skills & SAVED ME HOURS each week!
How To Create An Interactive Excel DASHBOARD...
...in UNDER 10 MINUTES that will make you STAND OUT from the crowd and INCREASE your chances of getting a new job, promotion or pay rise!
"It really SAVED ME tons of time and my financials were done within a week and a half versus a month. JUST DO IT!-
"I've never looked back since, it's been the BEST INVESTMENT I've ever done!"
"I got another job and my career has improved immensely"
John Michaloudis is the Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer at MyExcelOnline.com with a degree in Commerce (Major in Accounting) and has worked for companies such as Avon Cosmetics and General Electric.
He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author (101 Most Popular Formulas & 101 Ready To Use Macros), sought after speaker and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship Academy online course.
Since 2014 he has helped over 100,000 professionals from 100+ countries to ADVANCE their Excel level and stand out from the crowd.
In 2020 he was recognized by Microsoft for his outstanding Excel expertise and community work with the Microsoft MVP award.
He also blogs about Microsoft Excel, and hosts the only Excel podcast show in the universe.
He lives in Spain (even though he was born in Australia) with his wife and 2 kids and loves a good bbq!
This framework is not just a bunch of “theory.” It’s all been tested and proven to work by me - John Michaloudis | Founder of MyExcelOnline & Microsoft MVP - and THOUSANDS of my Academy students.
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