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Excel Podcast #32: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2022!

John Michaloudis
We have rounded up the best Microsoft Excel experts & MVPs from around the world to share their best Microsoft Excel tips & tricks in 2022!

We have rounded up the best Microsoft Excel experts & MVPs from around the world to share their best Microsoft Excel tips & tricks in 2022!

These Microsoft Excel tips & tricks will save you time and make you a more efficient Excel user.  Make sure to learn and apply at least 1 tip from today’s podcast show.

Listen to the Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2022

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Guests in Order of Appearance with links



Excel Podcast #32: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2022!
028: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020!

2. Georg Lasar from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

ChatGPT AI and Flash Fill

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

3. Bill Jelen from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Image Function

028: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020!

4. Kat Norton from Miss Excel

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

New TEXT Functions

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

5. Jeff Lenning from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Import data from picture

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

6. Dave Bressler from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Don’t stop learning Excel

Excel Podcast #32: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2022!

7. Celia Alves from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Dynamic Arrays functions

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

8. Jon Acampora from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Leave your legacy on an Excel file

Excel Podcast #32: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2022!

9. Ken Puls from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Granular layouts inside Pivot Tables

028: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020!

10. Yolanda Cuesta from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Image Function

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

11. Jordan Goldmeier from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

IFS Function

Excel Podcast #32: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2022!

12. Ivett Szabados from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Keep leading zeros

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

13. Wyn Hopkins from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Excel Tech Community Blog

028: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020!

14. Cristiano Galvao from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Advanced formula environment along with the Lambda Function

Excel Podcast #30: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2021!

15. Anne Walsh from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Analyze Data

Excel Podcast #30: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2021!

16. George Mount from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Data Organization in Spreadsheets

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

17. Bryan Hong from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:


Excel Podcast #32: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2022!

18. Maria Braga from MBi – Excelerate Your Business

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Importing data from PDF with Power Query

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!

19. Kasper Langmann from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

ChatGPT VBA code

028: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020!

20. Jon Peltier from

Best Excel Tip & Trick in 2022:

Charting Tips & Tricks (see below…)


Listen to the MyExcelOnline Podcast on your favorite platform!

The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020

026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2020Excel Podcast #30: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2021!

Excel Podcast #30: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2021!


Thanks for Listening!

Thank you for joining me this week. If you have some feedback that you’d like to share, then please leave a note in the comment section below!

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Also, please leave an honest review for The MyExcelOnline Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions you can send me an email to [email protected]

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates so you don’t miss out on these awesome interviews and Excel insights!

If you like this Excel tip, please share it

Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  002: Power Query with Ken Puls from ExcelGuru

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